A newly released scientific study (done some time ago) on a similar TVA GE MK1 reactor has determined the uncovered reactor core would have melted through the steel reactor vessel and over 20ft of concrete containment floor in 15 hours-the 500+ degree air temperatures would have melted and blown out all the conduit and pipe seals going into the containment building allowing a free escape of radiation to the atmosphere. They are still trying to keep the spent fuel pools covered in water and prevent the used fuel rods from catching on fire- that is a separate disaster.
Fukushima nuclear reactor cores have melted into the ground!
by moshe 32 Replies latest social current
Graph from the study-
Just routine testing, probably, -
The three reactor cores melted away within 48 hours of the tsunami-
-over 20ft of concrete floor melted in 15 hours- the original news that they used seawater to cool the core, that is all bogus, as there is no way to get seawater into the reactor's sealed systems (after power and pumps have failed) within that 400 minute window before the uncovered nuclear fuel melts through the reactor vessel.
Several questions -
Do they know this happened for sure or is it theoretical still?
What happens after a core melts through to the ground? Does it burn itself out or does it keep burning downwards?
How big of an area becomes contaminated and for how long?
I know some of this may depend on local circumstances and I don't know if you feel qualified to answer. I didn't want to presume and put you on the spot. If you don't know I'm sure someone else will chime in.
And by the way, thanks for the charts and graphs.
Take Care
If only a partial core melted through the pressure vessel, it may have been stopped by the concrete- there were three reactors that failed. I have no idea of the staus of the cores right now- a fuel core will eventually stop it's chain reaction all on it's own due to a buildup of nucleotides that poison the chain reaction-- that is why fuel has to be replaced every few years- Japan has not been forthcoming on information even to it's own population.
Wind an ocean currents will push radiation to the west coast-- FYI, I have told my relatives to leave California this year. I am merely a messenger of bad news- do with it as you see fit.
Where is Jane Fonda when we need her...
Follow the WhiteHouse- if Obama's girls ever leave their DC school and go someplace else, than that is the safe place for you, too.
Thank you.
In a recent doctors visit my blood tests showed my autoimmune system is gone wacky, some friends and family have had similar "arthritis" type symptoms, maybe just old age and the dying processing kicking in, but I'm keeping my eyes on the White House Moshe, Thank you for the heads up!