- Are confident in their message. When was the last time that a random religious person confidently spoke of their beliefs as absolute "truth"? There must be something to it, to make them so certain!
It is. Your whole life spent in trainin' sellin' dim wattage light bulbs, that need to be changed often
#32 EXPRESS WITH CONVICTION :" Speak in a manner that shows that you are fully convince of the truthfulness and importance of what you are saying."___________Benefit from theocratic ministry shool book page 194
- Are clean-cut and seem to have their lives together. "What do they have that I'm missing?" It's not apparent at first that the Witness is projecting this sort of appearance as a necessity, to make their work more effective and to convince themselves that they're happy. JWs put a lot of energy into maintaining this facade.
# 15 GOOD PERSONAL APPEARANCE : " Be neat and clean, and in modest clothing. Hair be neatly combed. Posture should convey an attentive attitude."___________Benefit from theocratic ministry school page 131
Earnestly want you to share their beliefs. We've all met someone who might be right about an issue, but they make it hard for us to want to agree with them because they laugh when we haven't heard of their favorite kind of music or they "can't believe" we're still eating that food that's bad for us. JWs really want others to agree with their beliefs because it's faith-strengthening for themselves, and they're taught to be humble and approachable, so they don't hold their "superior" Bible knowledge over others' heads and are eager to share it.
# 20 SCRIPTURES EFFECTIVELY INTRODUCED : " Prepare the minds of your listeners before you read a scripture."________Benefit from theocratic ministry school page 147
- Have literature! When was the last time you asked someone about their lifestyle, and they had a booklet ready to hand to you that explains it all with citations (scriptural backup, in this case)? They could also walk you through many of their beliefs from memory. For an intellectually-oriented spiritual person, this is way more appealing than the response an ordinary parishioner can give about their church's beliefs. There's a whole lot of information to process at once, which is impressive and a bit overwhelming for a potential skeptic.________Aponogphos
# 10 ENTHUSIASM : "By animated delivery, give evidence of your strong feeling about the value of what you are saying"______Benefit from theocratic ministry school page 115
Jehovah's Witnesses are trained robots that have to be instructed not only in the things above; but in personal matters also
like How you should have sex wit' your wife. To how much toilet paper you should use. When to love your children and when
to toss them like trash