Cedars - Thank you for your reply. I hadn't thought of it from that angle. I guess I would have just assumed people would go straight to the police, regardless of who was involved.
To be honest, although I am by no means an innocent woman, I really had absolutely no idea that there was any sort of a problem within the congregations regarding child abuse. I naively just assumed that all JWs were good people (99% of the ones I was brought up knowing were/are). The thought that someone could be a child molester never even occured to me. I was raised as a witness from the age of 18months, and was pretty much taught that all witnesses were as close to perfection as you could get in an imperfect world.
Personally, if anybody even laid a finger on my child, I would probably be arrested for attempted murder! But I would tell the police, the elders, others in the hall, anyone who would listen. But then, I've never been a 100% 'good' JW, I've always struggled with the many rules and regulations, and would be more likely to go as far against whatever advice the elders gave as I could without getting into too much trouble. I'm ever such a disappointment to Daddy...
As an aside, do you know what the legal team at the branch do when an accusation is reported to them? Do they have a system in place whereby they themselves contact the police to determine whether or not someone is a 'predator'? Or do they simply just look at the legal ramifications of it being made public that there was molester in the congregation, and weigh up whether the amount of 'reproach brought on Jehovah's name' is worth making others in the congregation aware that there was a danger among them?
Sorry if I ask too many questions. I am only just starting to wake up to the fact that not all is well and right and actually thinking for myself. I do appreciate the time you and others put in to help and support people like myself, thank you.
All the best x