So, the NHL is back...

by MrFreeze 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • MrFreeze

    Anybody else as excited as I am? I know there are a lot of Canadians on this board. Hockey is probably my favorite sport to watch.

    Went to Madison Square Garden for a playoff game several years ago and I've never felt anything like the atmosphere there. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Went to Philly for a Pens/Flyers playoff game. Got heckled mercilessly and stuff thrown at me. Gotta love the Philly faithful.

  • jgnat

    My cynicism was premature. I did not know they had it in them!

  • unstopableravens

    ravens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nfl no nhl honestly i could never get into hockey,except the old game on nintendo where you could get the guys to fight!

  • MrFreeze

    Have you gone to a live game ravens? I know people who never liked hockey, went to a game and then became huge fans. Judging from your love of the Ravens I imagine you live in the MD area. Maybe you could visit the Capitals in DC.

  • unstopableravens

    i would go dude if you want to go to a fliers game i would go, we could meet im down if you want to,as long as we can paint our faces! lol

  • betterdaze

    We're tentative about rewarding the NHL with our hard-earned dollars when we've just as easily attended excellent concerts instead throughout their troubles. Simply tired of being taking for granted.

    What really pi$$es me off, is all the *other* jobs that were affected for months on end. The workers who serve food, pour beer, clean the restrooms, parking attendants, security, etc. They have to make a living off these games as well, and nobody gave a damn if they could eat or make rent in the meantime.

    Epic fail on that part, and we fans have to suck it up, paying out extra welfare and food stamps to people who work terrifically hard for low wages to begin with. My heart really goes out to them for making every game experience run so well as it does, no matter who is playing or who wins.

    Still… The little hockey devil in me can't wait to pump my fist in the air and shake my a$$ to this again:

  • MrFreeze

    Argh, I'm no Flyers fan if that's what you are trying to get at.

    Penguin fan here.

    Yeah I'm disappointed mostly how they treated those workers who were pretty much out of a job for half of an NHL season. Still, when the season starts I'll probably forget all about the lockout.

  • unstopableravens

    ohh i thought you lived the philly

  • MrFreeze

    Nah, Pittsburgh born and raised. I've hated the Flyers for as long as I can remember. 5 years old and I couldn't stand them.

  • unstopableravens

    ohh ok your like 4hrs from me!


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