We're tentative about rewarding the NHL with our hard-earned dollars when we've just as easily attended excellent concerts instead throughout their troubles. Simply tired of being taking for granted.
What really pi$$es me off, is all the *other* jobs that were affected for months on end. The workers who serve food, pour beer, clean the restrooms, parking attendants, security, etc. They have to make a living off these games as well, and nobody gave a damn if they could eat or make rent in the meantime.
Epic fail on that part, and we fans have to suck it up, paying out extra welfare and food stamps to people who work terrifically hard for low wages to begin with. My heart really goes out to them for making every game experience run so well as it does, no matter who is playing or who wins.
Still… The little hockey devil in me can't wait to pump my fist in the air and shake my a$$ to this again: