Well...where do I start...
I was raised in the truth...always knowing that there was nothing better out there besides the WT...However, recently I have a made a determination to not go "anywhere"...In all of my almost 35 years of being part of this "organization" I can honestly say I never read the Bible as I do today...my "personal" study of the Bible has more meaning today than it ever did...After reading the Bible I have found many inconsistencies in the WT organization...I hold no grudges or hard feelings towards anyone in the organization, including the so called Governing Body...I just believe that human imperfection has taken it's toll on this organization...However, that is no excuse to act as a false prophet or assume things that only belong Jehovah and his Son...the Bible is the truth, and Jesus said such truth will set us free...I served as a pioneer all of my youth, and served as a MS...as of today I don't partake in that kind of manmade "service"... I'm truly against monthly time reports, special titles of service, asking for donations, judicial committees, among other things...some people may ask why?...well, none of these things are BIBLICAL!...some have told me, well the GB is now the faithful and discreet slave...and I say, as determined by who?...Nowhere in my personal reading of the Bible does it say that there was or there would ever be a GB...this group of men was self appointed...anything self appointed or self made up is definitely not discreet or faithful...Jesus never ever appointed such a group...
A family member of mine passed away 2 years ago...he was never a "Witness"...but I did preach to him once in a while so he "knew" about God...he just never wanted to be part of this organization...yet, when he passed away I was told repeatedly by the brothers and resurrection publications that I will see him in paradise... I thought to myself, but Jehovah is the only one that determines or says who will resurrect (weather heavenly or earth)...I always thought...we as men are nobody to classify or determine that being part of a certain "organization" is the only way to salvation...Jesus never said such thing...yet some may say that Jehovah has always used an organization giving an Moses and the Israelite "organization" as an example...but then I say, well Jesus is the end of the old covenant...we don't need an organization to be our mediator between us and the true God...Jesus is the ONLY mediator...
I could just say so many other things, but I felt like sharing this with all of you...as I cannot share this with any family members or brothers since I would be considered an apostate...I truly believe God is the only judge and I will hold myself accountable to Him and no one else...
Thanks for reading...