So I was having an interesting thought the other night -- albeit probably not original, but interesting. What would be accomplished if thousands of us banded together and held a huge protest of the issue of shunning family right behind the governing body's headquarters (25 columbia heights) in Brooklyn Bridge Park? The shunning of non-believing family is a strong issue that I'm sure everyone of us could get behind 100%. Certainly other things could be protested, but shunning is a big one that the public might be able to clearly grasp.
It's probably wishful thinking, but I think this might be a great tool to get the media's attention and create a major public embarrassment for the Watchtower and possibly force their hand to change their policies.
Has something big like this ever been done in close proximity to WT HQ?
Do you think this would help or hinder the WT corporation, would public embarrassment create resolve in its members or doubt?