Wow talk about a way to push your garbage. I can see it now the WBTS is going to start taking their web pages down when people with open minds start picking apart what they write and openly publish for all to have this is only going to get better. Bring on more of your mouth rot and we will pick it piece by piece. I may not be a professor, but I too am an engineer with a PhD. He makes a big deal about robots not being able to catch a ball except under controlled circumstances. Google it. It has already been done. You know the "thought is so amazing god must be real kinda guy". I am one too, but not over something so stupid as this. Machines have been built to catch balls. I will go one step further robots have been built to shot super sonic vector changing missiles out of the sky while moving on a ship dealing with heave, surge, sway, roll, pitch, and yaw in dark, light, rain, fog, and clear blue weather conditions using a relatively small projectile and ranges up to 5 miles. It's called a phalanx gun. It has been in military service for 32 year not even new technology here. What a joke. If catching a ball was as important as protecting a ship from a missile, the ball catching machine would have been built a long time ago. It bothers me this guy of such a small mind is allowed to work with three science magazines. No wait, those of us in our fields who can do, change the world. Those who can't write and teach. The WBTS is using this guy to push their agenda. If he was to write that in a scientific magazine he would be laughed out of his community. Hey when your dealing with a group of uneducated baboons, I guess you can write what you want and any one will believe it.