Something From Nothing: Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss
by frankiespeakin 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't care what these atheists say. It makes no logical sense that something can come from nothing. No sense at all.
And they say believers in God are delusional?
Who is delusional?
They cloud the issue with mathematical gobbely gook trying to pretend they are smarter than everyone.
Yes. How in the world can their be an originator? Everything just happened. Riiiight. And women just "happen to get pregnant".
The immaculate conception makes more sense.
yadda yadda 2
Its as absurd as trying to answer the question: when did time begin? Its impossible that once upon a time there was no time.
Everything is absurd. It's absurd that God came from nothing, if God exists. It's absurd that the universe came from nothing, if it did. It's absurd that the "nothing" that isn't really nothing came from nothing, if it did. It's absurd that time came from nothing, if it did. It's also absurd if any of these things always existed. Any way you look at it, it's inconceivable that we could come to exist. It's mind-bogglingly impossible. And yet here we are.
Its impossible that once upon a time there was no time.
It is possible that there always was time, but
only since the 'beginning', stuff started moving through it.