The BOE letter allows for this information to be passed in the case that an individual is identified as a "predator".
There are loads of glaring holes in this. The branch office will decide who is a predator. They may define the person as a "known child molester" which does not appear to require parents are notified. They may not define an individual as either. This allows for a potentially convicted pedophile to be in the congregation unknown to parents and with no real restrictions on what they do or how they may be percieved by the brothers.
A known sex offender may only be spoken to by the elders...
"strongly cautioning them to refrain from displaying affection for children, to avoid hugging or holding children on their lap, never to be alone with a child (other than their own), not to allow children to spend the night in their home, not to work alone in field service (hence, they should always be accompanied by another adult), and not to cultivate friendships with children."
So what about their own children? What if the pedo ignores them? EDIT - Them being the elders - i.e. ignores the "counsel"
A pedo could still be appointed.
"It cannot be said in every case that one who has sexually abused a child could never qualify for privileges of service in the congregation. However, the elders will certainly want to be very cautious, especially when dealing with one who had repeatedly engaged in this kind of wrongdoing or who had been disfellowshipped for such an offense."
There is more context on this in the letter which suggests that a convicted pedo would not be irrephensible in the community and therefore would not qualify but they way it's worded sends a very different message and is not along the lines of "never except in an absolutely exceptional circumstance". I would post more but don't want to cause any (C) issues....