Parroting at the Meetings..
Armagedon,Jehovah,Do more!..
................................ ...OUTLAW
by nolongerconfused 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Parroting at the Meetings..
Armagedon,Jehovah,Do more!..
................................ ...OUTLAW
I hated commenting, so in the end used it as a way to plant ideas or just read some of those ridiculous sentences out of the paragraph and not "flower them up" but rather let them stand out for their own silliness.
1st Century Christian didn't have kingdom halls...I believe they all got together at individual Kingdom Halls are not Biblical in my opinion
I stopped commenting when I got reproved. Over two years later, when they finally got around to saying "you can comment again, but you're still on reproof", I never bothered to start again. A few months later I was DF'ed, so it sort of worked itself out....
I would love to be at this WT lesson when the GB assumes the mantle of all the F&DS class--
Thank you, NLC. I will now step down off my soap box and wish you all a wonderful day!
I really did hate it though. Commenting took every bit of effort I could muster. I don't know what the mental block was, excpet that deep down inside, I didn't buy it
I still attended the meetings for about a year after learning TTATT. My comments during meetings stopped for the most part, however I did go out of my way to comment on any paragraph that talked about JESUS instead of JEHOVAH. No one ever said anything to me but I am sure I sounded like a Jesus freak when those were the only times I would make a comment and the talk about Jesus was so rare.
If you feel that you must comment, find one paragraph where you feel that you could make a comment that might get others thinking a little, but without sounding full on apostate. I could blast the pharasees in a way that should have made some think, hey the JW leaders are not much different from the pharasees in Jesus day.
I agree with others to just stop, but if you feel that you must, it is possible to find paragraphs to comment on non-doctrinal issues.
Just quit doing it when you are comfortable and use the literature to back your argument: 2/1/2009 WT Although the meeting is conducted in a question-and-answer format, audience participation is voluntary and comments are usually given by those who have read and thought about the article and supporting scriptures beforehand. Like some have mentioned, I commented a couple of times more after I resigned as an elder and gave one more talk from the Theocratic Ministry School in order to let the congregation know I left on my own terms. Ironically, my last 5 minute talk was about hypocrisy in religion......LOL......I gave a 5 minute fire and brimstone special (totally against my nature), told the conductor after the meeting not to schedule me in the school anymore, and that was it. If you feel you need to comment just enough to keep the vultures away, keep it simple and comment on things important to you that do not violate your beliefs or conscience!
LOL @ Moshe and Outlaw