Have Jehovah,s witnesses given incorrect dates for the end?
JW,s have had wrong expectations about when the end would
come. Like jesus' first-century disciples, we have "sometimes" (LOL)
looked forward to the fulifillment of prophecy ahead of God's
timetable. We agree with the sentiment of longtime witness
A.H. Macmillan, who said: I learned that we should admit
our mistakes and continue searching God's Word for more
enlightenment." Why, then, do we continue to highlight the
nearness of the end? Because we take seriousl Jesus words:
Keep looking, keep awake." The alternative, to be found" sleeping"
by Jesus, would prevent us from gaining his favor.
What if you lied for over 100 years, would that prevent you from
gaining his favor. And correct me if I,m wrong, Jesus disciples wasn,t
looking for the end of the world, just a little relief from their Roman