I’d like to give the reason I faded away from the WBTS. Not for any personal reason other than the fact that I enjoy reading others heartfelt and very real experiences and feel it may help others. My Mom was Df’d for being cheated on. Her husband and very close sister had decided to run away together and my Mom found out about it. My Mom had a nervous breakdown as everything in her life crumbled around her. She found herself crying in the arms of total strangers in the street. When it came time for the judicial committee meetings my Dad was Df’d and her sister was reproved. Her sister promised the elders that she would end it and that she wouldn’t see my Dad again which lasted all of 2 weeks. My Mom lost her mind after that and couldn’t stop talking about her circumstances and the fact that it was still going on. For this she was called into a counseling meeting and reproved for not keeping quiet about the decision they’d made and the current state of her circumstances. She just couldn’t stop herself. She sank in to a deep depression since she had created her entire life surrounded by her sister and husband. With each new piece of evidence of infidelity she would tell anyone who’d listen to her. For this she was Df’d since she was counseled to stop talking about it. One of the elders had the audacity to say to her “You talk about this even though we told you not to. How dare you go against God. We are the stars in Jesus’ hand and chosen by holy spirit.” It was really just a way to stop other JW’s from listening to her and thinking “Why has this not been handled properly?”. The absolute disrespect they showed my Mom in her time of need made me feel there’s no way these are God’s chosen people.
Family in Ruins Lead to my Fade
by CADSkin 21 Replies latest jw experiences
CADskin, I'm so sorry for your mother's terrible experience at the hands of ignorant and stupid men who also revealed an arrogance beyond belief.
Sad. I would like to post this on amother forum, where a Watchtower shill is posting about how loving the disfellowshippin provision is, if it is alright with you.
“You talk about this even though we told you not to. How dare you go against God. We are the stars in Jesus’ hand and chosen by holy spirit.”
It all sounds laughable -- unbelievable -- but some of these jackasses really believe it.
Maybe that's not so surprising since that is what WTS GB tell them.
Who is more delusional?
Lisa Rose: Please do. My Mom is doing great now with her new husband and thakfully my entire family is no longer in. The only one still in is my aunt. Now an unhappy elders wife.
wha happened?
My Mom lost her mind after that and couldn’t stop talking about her circumstances and the fact that it was still going on. For this she was called into a counseling meeting and reproved for not keeping quiet about the decision they’d made and the current state of her circumstances.
This happened to me. I was strongly counseled because I arrived at the DC without my wife. Why? because she left me a few days before. Being the good little witness I went to the DC. When people saw me by myself, they all asked the same thing. Where's your wife. Apparently saying she left me was judicial.During my judicial commitee, when this was thrown at me, I just asked, "What was the right answer then"? I was basically told to shut up as they weren't finished.
My mistake was listenning to them and the WT. Did your Mom get away and received some real counseling? Hugging people on the streeet is a loud scream for help
WH: She did get help. It took her a few years and a bad marriage but she successfully started her life over again. I don't think you can hold something so petty against a person who's life has been turned upside down. Too many of the elders decisions are based on personal bias and ego.
This is not the first time I heard of a woman being disfellowshipped even though she was the innocent party.
Bottom line: it was all about the idiot elders and how they showed preference to a man and he got a slap on the wrist.
She complains about the injustice and their BLUNDER - they kick her out reasoning nobody else will find out if she's gone. This is why they don't want JWs talking to disfellowshipped or disassociated people because in too many instances these people are OUT because something is wrong with the religion and they spoke up about it.
They deserve to be laughed at if they have the audacity to claim they are chosen by holy spirit.
wha happened?
Sisters do have it rough, especially if their husband is well known.
In my old cong, a sister was left by her elder husband for another sister. He continued to serve as an elder. The wife was basically thrown underneath a bus by marginalizing her as mentally unstable. That was true as a result of what she went through and the elders abandoning her
We're Jehovah's Witnesses: We shoot our wounded!