There can be no justification for the brutal rape and murder of another person. I appreciate that they lived in terrible poverty and that they have families of their own but what is telling is that the children in the family are all out at work and the son left education due to being beaten by a teacher and the parents solution was to find him work not fight for him to get an education.
People are commodities even within a family and that is sad. It is also true that women are not always valued in India and are disposed of with violence if they are seen as an inconvenience. However none of that gives and excuse for what happened. Any society that allows men to brutalise someone else and behave with such depravity may have questions to answer but these men knew right from wrong and they knew what they were doing was wrong. The Independent has given a glimpse of the family background of this man but I do not hink it is justifying what he did.