Until the Conti case came to light, I was not aware of the extent of child abuse going on in the org. And I was completely unaware of the JW policies on these matters. I read their offical policy on child abuse on JW.org and was gob smacked to say the least. My father is an elder and the thought of my dad possibly being involved in such cases and even helping to cover them up was horrendous for me. It still is. I was so upset and angry about it that I seriously considered going ahead with the following: My parents help look after my 6 year old daughter X before and after school. They do a good job with her and she adores them and they her. So I was going to sit them both down one day and explain to them that X had told us that our neighbour (father of her best friends) has been touching her inappropriately and hurting her. At this point I know they would almost have heart attacks with shock and upset and I can guarantee that my mother would immediately ask if I've called the police. Then I would explain that we have questioned him ourselves and he has denied it of course. Then we got the said accussed and X in a room together and questioned them both again. ''As you can imagine Mum and Dad, this was extremely frightening for X being sat with this man and having to answer such delicate questions. But again he denied the accusations and X became extremely traumatised and upset'' My mother would be hysterical by now and demanding that I should call the police and asking me what on earth I was thinking of putting X through this. I would then explain that as he has denied it and no one else was present during the abuse other than himself and X that we have had to draw a line under it and leave it. ''I'm sure you can understand Mum and Dad that its very difficult for X as she often has to see this man, but there you go. Thats the rules.'' End of cunning plan. I didn't do it. I just got carried away with my thoughts the way we all do sometimes and have imaginary conversations with people. I wonder if my Dad would have cottoned on to what I was saying.
Especially for Cedars - My Cunning Plan. Or maybe not
by not bitter 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
not bitter
One of the reasons I didn't go ahead with this is because I was uncomfortable using my child to get the point across.
not bitter - it certainly has the "shock" factor, but I wouldn't recommend it. Once they figure out it was all just a ploy to get them to think they will likely be so mad at you for deceiving them that they will dismiss or forget any lesson from your parable.
It's such a deeply frustrating scenario to have indoctrinated family members, but I don't think this is the way to handle it. I sense you know this too.
As you say notbitter, you wouldn't want to get your point across with a falso accusation.
You could, however, use the theoretical scenario as a basis for having a discussion with your parents. Sometimes people understand a concept when it touches home for them. It's easy for JWs to discount Ms Conti's story because they don't see themselves in it. Just like most think DFing is loving because they've never experienced it.
You could, however, use the theoretical scenario as a basis for having a discussion with your parents.
I was thinking along similar lines. Mrs Cedars did this recently when discussing the issue of child abuse with her mother, and it gave her pause for thought - if only briefly.
Perhaps, ask your one or both of your parents if they have read Conti court documents? Do they love reading court documents? These are not apostate literatures.
WTF is wrong with you? Tricking people into believing a perfectly innocent person had molested your daughter? Sick.
Amelia Ashton
Taking this hypothetical situation out of jw world makes the way they deal with this kind of crime so obviously batsh*t crazy and unbelievable. That civilised grown up people could contemplate such a traumatising situation for a child that has been subjected to sexual abuse is beyond comprehension but it is exactly what they do.
I say do it but using a fictional child and neighbour.
not bitter
Entirely Possible - you need to read the post again.
I didn't do it. I had no intention of doing it. It was an angry conversation I had in my mind.
not bitter
I didn't do it. I had no intention of doing it. It was an angry conversation I had in my mind.
Yes, that's how I read your post. I think it was nice of you to brainstorm if only as an outlet for your frustration. It is a shame that indoctrinated ones can't see things from a broader perspective, and apply one rule to Witnesses and another rule to everyone else.