This is interestiing b/c clapping only happens in Episcopal churches when they make announcements. It would disrupt the Liturgy and Eucharist to have clapping. Also, in Manhattan, and I assume elsewhere, people debate points in the sermon during coffee hour or while putting on coats. When I attended the cathedral, which was next to Woodstock Jesuit Seminary, the priests would often give the sermon. They were very thought provoking. Sometimes the debates would go for six months.
The local priest said she did not want to be called "mother." She would find another parish.
I did like the applause at large conventions, esp. Yankee Stadium. The Witnesses struck me as a four person religion. I felt so persecuted during the Cold War. My classmates had many comments concerning evolution,, flag salute, not crossing myself, etc. The thunderous applause made the absurd notions seem mainstream to me.
Applause manners are interesting. When I would attend opera or ballet, Europeans had so much gusto. They screamed Bravo or Brava so loudly compared to Americans. I've also heard loud booing when a performer or artist is disappointing. Applause during a ballet, opera, symphony is tricky for me. I do not know the logical pauses. So I don't clap until everyone else does.