Will trade memorial for 2 hours talk with apostate

by Faraon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Faraon

    According to our divorce agreement between my ex and I, I would get our daughters all school holidays in exchange for memorial day, and the other three yearly propaganda meetings. Key is that she had to tell me their dates by February 2 of the year in session. She did not tell me, so I told her that I would not let her have them next Thursday unless she talked to me about religion for two hours. She refused to do so, claiming that I was unhappy because I was an apostate, and would not talk to me because I liked to eat from my previous vomit.
    Any thoughts?

    Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.

  • VioletAnai

    Don't be a meanie! She, as their mother, has every right to raise them according to good principles, just as you do. Don't deny her her children on one of the most important events on the calender! If you asked your children (if they're old enough to understand) whether they want to go with their mum to the memorial or conventions and put your own selfish feeling behind you and focus on what the children want, the decision won't be so hard!

  • DakotaRed

    I have to agree with Vi. The kids will pick up on being denied their Mom and it will work against you in the end. As much as I dislike Memorial, what real harm can come from it?

    I am assuming you have majority custody, since she must inform you of the dates well in advance. So, let her see the kids as often as is reasonable. Whatever she tries in instill in them can be off set by you, in a tactful way.

    My ex tried to deny me my daughters often and it just didn't work for her. I ended up gaining custody of them and she and the girls fought horribly before that. Today, they get along great, as Moms and Daughters should. She is Catholic, incidentally.

    When a custodial parent tries to deny the other seeing the kids, unless to prevent obvious physical harm, it almost always ends up going against the custodial parent, even if only by the kids.

    Grin and bear it, in the long run, you will end up better off and have a better relationship with the kids. They will see that there is nothing of merit with the Jehobos.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Faraon

    Actually the point was that I wanted to talk to her about her religion, but she risked not having them for the memorial for two lousy hours talking about religion. It is important to me that she learns to think for herself, so that in case that I die, our kids will not be slaves to the witchtower.
    I had the backing of the court appointed psychiatrist to get full custody, but I know how important it is for children to have contact with both parents.
    Kids actually don't like going to the memorial or meetings, etc. They told me themselves they'd rather go to their regulary scheduled swimming classes than to the memorial.
    I am happier than ever to have left the Borg. Seein her throwing all those ad hominem attacks, made me realize that she could have been me acting like her if I had stayed in the Zero Mind Zone.

    Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.

  • VioletAnai

    Oh, I'm sorry huney...I thought you were being a typical immature divorcee like my parents!!!!!!!!

    But you have to admit, you are a terrible tease to do that to her! You would've known her reaction, after the time you've lived with her. Cheeky.....

  • jerome

    What exactly would you hope to acheive in just two hours?

    I think IMHO that you would need alot more time than that to acomplish anything period. Especially when she starts to shut down after you ask the first few questions. Then she dismisses everything as apostate lies. I hate when they do that.

    Dont mean to be pesamistic. Just a thought.

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • Marilyn

    I'm on your side. I'm so happy to see someone with the upper hand over the Witnesses. They have been unmerciful to hundreds of thousands of people with regards their simple need to spend time with their family. I've suffered like many others and for a very long time.

    Your wife will not play fair and she will spend every second she can filling your children's heads with irrational jw double talk. In order to satisfy those kinder hearted amongst us - let your wife take your kids to a movie for 2 hours and then to a meal afterwards but don't give her time to indoctrinate your innocent children. And yes your wife's inability to sit down and have a discussion with you is all the proof you need that she's totally nuts! What's she so afraid of? Your request was a gift to her. Given that she'd have walked in with every compartement of her mind sealed off like Fort Knox, she may as well have agreed to your offer. What a silly lady eh?

    Take no prisoners. They don't!!!!!


  • LB

    Faraon just don't eat any vomit, that has to suck bigtime.

    You'll do what you think best, but let me tell you what I did many many years ago when I divorced #1. I got custody also. I have to say I really hated her with all my heart. But the one thing I never did, even once, was to say something negative about her to the little booger eaters.

    They would complain how she never called and I'd say "oh she's your mom, you should love her" or "mom has her fair share of troubles, give her a break".

    Knowing booger eaters as I do I knew this would make me look good in their eyes and they would take a stand against the great harlot. It may seem fairly superficial but it worked and to this day the boys love me and no longer have anything to do with her.

    And I love it a lot

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • LDH

    Well, what happened Faraon?


  • lv4fer

    Let her take them! If you make such a big deal about it, the kids may go in the opposite direction and you don't want that. She will also tell them it is satan trying to keep them from the memorial etc etc. You'd be better off just letting her take them, then you don't look like a bad guy!

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