How many auxillary pioneered in March 2012 Worldwide?

by Gayle 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 88JM

    These figures were mentioned at the 2012 District Convention. Unless the speaker got it wrong himself, it seemed pretty clear that he was talking about 2012, not 2011. No I've not seen it in print either. The 30-hour special allowance was repeated again this year like it was last year. From my own experience, many fewer people auxilliary pioneered the same as the year before, but it was still a large proportion.

    He did mention the total worldwide figure was not "final", but it seems precise enough to be more than in the ballpark.

  • Gayle

    thank you, 88JM

    According to their numbers, then, in U.S. 32% Aux'd last March; Britain, 46% did; and worldwide 38% Aux'd last March.

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