One of the mums on this forum is complaining about dubs knocking her door. She won’t answer the door because they unintentionally upset her very much the last time they called which was a few years back. Apparently she answered the door and the witness ladies opening statement, with a lovely smiling face, was
What a lovely home you have and a beautiful garden, such a nice neighbourhood. How lucky you are. (not sure she would have used the term luck though)
Anyway this householder burst into tears and shut the door on them and has refused to answer the door to them ever since. Reason she got so upset was because she had just given birth to a severely disabled child who was not expected to live long. She says she can’t believe that people can come around making statements like that to complete strangers on their own door steps without knowing a thing about them.
I’m now reading through the thread and learning about peoples views on JW’s and other religious cold callers.
I can almost imagine using that opening statement myself when going door to door many years ago. Or something similar.