Have You Prepared For The "Flu" And Do You Get A Flu Shot?

by minimus 191 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    I think people have a right to determine if they want to have a substance injected into them on an annual basis and that is not a guarantee of good health. Nobody knows how they will react and there are thousands of people who have reactions from the shots - some severe and debilitating and disabling and some causing death. Last report stated that at least half of all doctors and nurses refuse a flu shot and the push is on to get them injected as a PR campaign. I think if a person feels fine getting one they should but for those that look to stay healthy and choose not to get one, then I think that is their right. When even doctors and scientists can't agree on whether all the vaccines are safe or necessary - I think it's pretty well up to each individual to decide for themselves and their families. sammieswife


    BeWellBuzz) We were surprised by the overwhelming response for our “10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu” article. Thanks for your comments – we are glad to know that the article was beneficial for most of you.

    Some of you expressed your concerns over the authenticity of facts in the article, so we made it a point to cite more research studies conducted over the last one year to prove that flu shots are dangerous:

    1) Sanofi Pasteur’s Fluzone High-Dose is a new influenza vaccine created in 2010 for people over 65 years of age. Even though the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) insists that the vaccine is as safe as any other seasonal vaccine, the fact is that the shot is replete with side effects like pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, headache, muscle aches, fever, and malaise.

    All the listed negative symptoms were observed during clinical studies for Fluzone High-Dose.

    2) The CDC says that the 2011-2012 flu vaccine may also have the same side effects the 2010-2011 vaccines had. These include soreness, redness, tenderness, or swelling where the shot is administered and nasal congestion after the flu vaccine nasal spray.

    3) The 2009 package insert for Novartis’ Monovalent Vaccine which was leaked on the internet created a huge uproar. Why? Because, its side effects, as stated on the insert, include: Guillain-Barre Syndrome, anaphylactic shock, vasculitis, and get this- death.

    This finding backed two studies conducted in 2007 and 2009, of which the latter found that out of every million people diagnosed with flu, between 40 and 70 developed Guillain-Barre after getting the shot. However, this information didn’t stop Government health officials from pushing the vaccine into the market in 2010 and 2011.

    4) In December of 2010, however, the flu vaccine formulated specifically for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old was found to be causing a higher than normal incidence of febrile seizures

    5) In February 2010, The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 12 countries had recorded a possible link between the development of narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep, and the H1N1 vaccine. Finland, was one of those countries who openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine “conclusively” causes narcolepsy. The Finnish government acknowledged that link and said that would pay for “lifetime medical care” for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. Narcolepsy wasn’t the only side effect admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations and “paralyzing physical collapses”.

    6) A series of miscarriages were recorded in the US after June 2010 due to the H1N1 vaccination. Hundreds of cases were reported across the country, and most miscarriages took place within days of the vaccination.

    7) Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world renowned immunogeneticist announced that you have a ten-fold increased chance of Alzheimer’s after receiving five flu shots. That’sten times more likelythan no flu shots or one, not ten percent more likely.

    8) In 2010 Australia baned flu vaccines in children. Vaccinated children were going into convulsions, began vomiting or exhibiting dangerously high levels of fever.

    9) A study published in the Cochrane Systematic Review in 2010 stated that there was no scientific evidence to prove that regular or seasonal flu shots protect people over the age of 65. The study concluded: “Evidence for the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccines in the over 65 is poor, despite the fact that vaccination has been recommended for the prevention of influenza in older people for the past 40 years.”

    10) A study conducted by The Lancet in 2010 brought out some startling revelations about the effectiveness of flu shots. The study involved a control group of 13,095 adults who were not vaccinated. The group was monitored to see if participants had been infected by the influenza virus, but 97% remained unaffected.

    Only 2.7% or 357 people in the non-vaccinated group ended up contracting the virus. Of the group of adults who were vaccinated with a trivalent inactivated influenza shot, only 1.2% did not catch the flu. The difference between the two outcomes is that the flu vaccine only prevents the flu in 1.5 out of every 100 adults injected with the flu shot not 60% as you’ve been told.

    Despite such studies and findings, you still have millions of Americans rushing to stand in line for annual flu shots. In 2010, 130.9 million people got the flu shot- an increase of 8 million people from 2009.

  • jgnat

    What do you think of the World Health Organization's position on "priority Population" immunization? Why do you think the rest of the world isn't as intent on getting the entire population immunized? - coffee_black

    Priority populations are infants below six years of age, people with certain chronic health conditions including diabetes, COPD, morbid obesity, over 65, those with compromised immune systems, health care workers, amongst others. The American representative said in the WHO report that these vulnerable populations represented 75% of the country. In the US they made the decision that rather than giving selective vaccinations, it was more efficient to open vaccinations to all.

    Keep in mind that the best protection for the vulnerable is an immune population around them.

    It seems that Europe has adopted a wait-and-see approach, and that they are holding back because of cost.

    Maisha, you did not read my comments on relative risk, did you. Silly me for trusting the established authorities. Onions. Please don't come and visit my town, either.

  • sammielee24

    Minimus - if you are travelling, the best wipes to carry are alcohol based. That's the only thing that will kill the germs that linger on those phones and remote controls etc in a hotel room or a door know. sammieswife

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    LOL @ posting a link from bewellbuzz.com. That site can hardly be considered objective. Reading through that story there is tons of straight-up infactual information and misleading stuff. Same scare tactics the WT uses ahahah.

  • jgnat

    Hand Washing with Soap and Water

    CONCLUSIONS : Antimicrobial handwashing agents were the most efficacious in bacterial removal, whereas waterless agents showed variable efficacy. Alcohol-based handrubs compared with other products demonstrated better efficacy after a single episode of hand hygiene than after 10 episodes. Effective hand hygiene for high levels of viral contamination with a nonenveloped virus was best achieved by physical removal with a nonantimicrobial soap or tap water alone

  • xchange

    simply,, if you feel the flu coming,, Eat an Onion, you can add a bit of salt for taste, but basically cut it into pieces and eat a golf ball amount of onion,

    Amazing! How come you are not a household name with this amazing cure? You know, just like Benny Hinn is a household name for curing everything from cancer to blindness. Oh right, he doesn't visit hospitals either.

  • coffee_black

    jgnat said: Keep in mind that the best protection for the vulnerable is an immune population around them.

    Please back this up.

    jgnat also said: It seems that Europe has adopted a wait-and-see approach, and that they are holding back because of cost

    That is only one concern that is noted in the article. They also state:

    That's because global health experts say the data aren't there yet to support this kind of blanket vaccination policy, nor is there enough money. In fact, some scientists say the enthusiasm for mass vaccination in the United States may hurt efforts to create a better vaccine.


    Coffee who is not about to eat a ton of onions... Just going to rely on my immune system, which has been pretty trustworhy thus far in keeping the flu away.

  • maisha

    I treat people with this simple remedy all the time it works. FULLSTOP!.

    I have not had one patient that it has failed with.

    by the way, i am in africa.

    I see and treat some of the worst things you have ever seen.

    SO if it is absurd to you or anyone else, thats ok,,,, I know what i am doing... and my patients are more than happy.

    As for the vaccine form. think about it!.

  • jgnat

    coffee_black, protecting the vulnerable by vaccinating the healty population around them was included in one of the links previously. I am not in the mood to look it up again.

    Half of that underlined article I paraphrased as wait-and-see. As for the claim that production of a mass vaccine is curtialing the generation of a better custom vaccine, that's pretty tenuous. What is stopping Europe from investing in this different approach?

    maisha, I have befriended many African immigrants who come to my country. One energetic young man related the following story. In his native country the temperature never changes from day to day. They never talk about the weather. When a man gets sick, he runs it off. Here in Canada, he got very sick so he went for a run in the middle of the winter. He nearly froze his lungs! He has decided, when in Canada, do it the Canadian way.

  • sammielee24

    Barrold - don't care much whether or not you like who printed the data - if you are that concerned, go into the websites and read the data that you can find by reading the article. Your choice.

    I just watched Dr Oz and he had 3 panel members on discussing this very issue. He himself is a huge supporter of everyone getting a flu shot - but everyone there had a different opinion. Just like people. Do what you need to for yourself but as long as there is no vaccine that is completely safe and totally effective, it is a personal decision. Here is the summary interview with Oz - so Barrold if you don't like the good Doctor either - or the CDC rep on there - or the John Hopkins researcher on there - then you aren't actively looking for all the information on why people are making the decisions they do. sammieswife


    Dr Oz: Flu Season 2013

    The flu is hitting America hard and many of the country’s hospital emergency rooms are overflowing with patients after the biggest flu outbreak in a decade. Dr. Oz is concerned and today he was addressing everyone’s biggest questions about the flu season.

    Dr Oz: Hospitals Overflowing With Flu Patients

    Cities all over the country are experiencing a flu epidemic, so Dr. Oz decided to visit the emergency department of the hospital where he practices in New York. What he saw when he walked in shocked him. There were so many patients in the ER that the hospital’s lobby had to be turned into makeshift exam rooms for numerous patients. One patient even believed he had done everything right in order to stay healthy, including getting a flu shot, but he still wound up extremely ill.

    Dr Oz: Everyone Needs Flu Shot & Flu Shot Advice For Elderly & Young

    Dr. Oz assembled a group of medical experts to debate whether or not young and elderly people should get a flu shot even if it is only 62 percent effective.

    Dr Oz: Flu Vaccine Only 62 Percent Effective

    With one person saying he got the flu shot and he still wound up in the hospital, can we believe the flu shot works? Dr. Oz wanted to answer that question. He assembled a panel of experts with varying opinions to discuss whether flu shots are worth getting.

    Dr. Dan Jernigan from the Center for Disease Control explained flu shots are designed to fight specific strains of the virus and this needs to be adjusted every year. If you got a flu shot in the fall, you are only protected from the strain that was around in the fall. Now that the winter months have arrived, so have new strands if the flu virus, strands that are impervious to the fall flu shot.

    Dr. Jernigan shared the fact that the flu vaccine is just 62 percent effective, but is the best tool for preventing the flu. Dr. Oz was a bit stunned and said he thought the flu shot was around 90 percent effective.

    Dr Oz: No Studies Show Flu Shot Works In Elderly

    Dr. Peter Doshi, a flu vaccine researcher from Johns Hopkins University, believes Americans have been misled as to the benefits of the flu vaccine. Our primary focus in the past has been to save the lives of the elderly by vaccinating them against illnesses like the flu and pneumonia, but studies have shown there is no evidence the elderly can lower their incidence of the flu, pneumonia or death by getting a flu shot.

    Even in healthy, younger people, they would need to vaccinate between 33 and 100 of them them in order to prevent just one from getting the flu. One woman in the audience, a younger woman, said she decided to get the flu shot this year and has felt more sick this year than in past years.

    Dr Oz: Flu Vaccine Alone Does Not Prevent Flu

    Dr. Jernigan said they would certainly love to see a better flu vaccine and more patients getting the shot to protect themselves, but noted it is also very important to take other influenza prevention matters.

    Dr. Neal Flomenbaum, who works in emergency medicine, added the biggest mistake people make is thinking that if they get a flu shot they are fully protected, but that is not the case. There are a number of things that must be done to stay healthy, from washing your hands often to not sharing germs through the same cup or bowl with other people.

    Dr Oz: Flu Shot Not Necessary For Young People

    Dr. Susan Blum does not get a flu shot for herself and she does not recommend them to all of her patients. She only recommends the vaccine to patients with chronic illness who are at higher risk for complications. She also suggested her patients over the age of 65 get the shot because of a weakened immune system. She does not recommend the flu shot for her younger patients who are healthy individuals because there are other ways for them to prevent themselves from getting sick from the flu.

    Dr Oz: Everyone Needs To Get the Flu Shot

    In the end, everyone on Dr. Oz’s panel was split on whether every single person watching his show should get the flu vaccine. Dr. Oz on the other hand, did believe everyone should get the flu shot because it is a good measure of prevention during such an extreme outbreak of the illness. Dr. Oz said it is everyone’s responsibility to stop the spread of the flu by getting vaccinated.

    He also said everyone should get the flu shot because it can lessen the severity of the flu if you do end up getting sick from it.

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