Does fear of death equate to need for God?

by Monsieur 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Monsieur

    Read a very interesting opinion article on CNN last night. "Why I raise my kids without God".

    The writer aluded to the fear of the possibility of one's life ending forever (along with our beloved children's). Thus, necessitating God whom embodies the concept of life and eternity. Those of us who believe in God (real or not) can psychologically cope with death in other words.

    That fear of absolute 'finality', is it really predominant? For those who are atheists, how have you come to accept non-existence?

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    Why would complete non-existence after life and death be any different from complete non-existence before being born and living?

  • jgnat

    Not an athiest here. At the same time, I have rationally concluded that there is no evidence of an afterlife. I choose to live a compassionate and productive life, not knowing what comes after.

    It was not fear that attracted me to Christianity, and I do not stay out of fear.


    Bonjour Monsieur,

    Fear of death is a powerful motivation for all conscious creatures. Accepting my own mortality was the hardest adjustment to be made when I left Jehovah's Witnesses. I have debated with many Christians and they inform me that their belief in God has nothing to do with self preservation or the reward of an after life. I accept that they sincerely believe this. At the same time I tend to think that their own motives are hidden in the deeper recesses of their mind. I would like to share their faith but alas, I am unable to.

    Muslims seem to be fully aware of what motivates them. The men live, and it seems die, so they can be with Allah and have a dozen virgins each in heaven where they will only have to live with fellow Muslims. Sounds good to me, except Allah don’t talk to pagan gladiators. .

  • Monsieur

    robcrompton, No difference that I can honestly think of. Because even after becoming concsious of our existence in life, in death (supposedly) we can not be conscious.

  • cantleave

    Once I realised my conscious existence is just temporal condition resulting from the way my brain functions, I no longer feared death. This doesn't mean I find life futile, or want to live it selfishly, I am just cognisant that I am here for a short time so I want to live what is left of my life fully and focus on the important things (like posting here).

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    The film "The Invention Of Lying" tells the story of an atheist world and a man (Ricky Gervais) comforting his dying mother with a make believe tale of people getting mansions in heaven when they die. All done with the best intentions of alleviating her fears of death.

  • PSacramento

    Death is a sweet release, why would anyone fear death?

  • james_woods

    There were Sun-worship religions in which fear of the Sun not coming back up in the morning seemed to be as great or greater than the fear of death.

  • tec

    Fear of death has never been a reason for my faith.



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