From this week's Congregation Bible Study, the first 8 paragraphs of chapter 4 in the Jeremiah book. Page 44 as follows.
In our case, we certainly do not think of ourselves as worshippers of idol gods. However, under the heading of "god", one dictionary says: A person or thing of supreme value." Many people in the world place first in life their career, health, family, and even pets. Others consider sports, celebrities, technology, travel, or their traditions to be of supreme of value. Many pursue such things at the cost of their relationship with the Creator. Could true Christians be affected, even as were people of Judah in Jeremiah's day?
Page 45, paragraphs 6, 7
Today, we are not under Sabbath law. Yet, there is a warning lesson in the way those people reacted, showing their heart condition. (Col.2:16) In order to do God's will, we have put aside our selfish or mundane pursuits. We realize how foolish it would be to choose for ourselves a conventient way to please God. And we have likely come to know many who have concentrated on doing God's will and have indeed found that to be refreshing, restful. Hence , how might we be misled?
A Christian might mistakenly think that his heart could never deceive him, as happened to many in Jeremiah's day. For example, a man might reason, "I have to hold down a job to support my family, " which is understandable. What if that led him to think, "I need more education to secure or hold a decent job?" That too might seem logical, leading him to conclude, "Times have changed, and to survive today you need to get a college or university education to hold on to your job." However easily one might start to minimize the wise, balanced advice from the faithful and discreet slave class about additional education and start to miss meetings! In this are, some have have gradually been molded by the world's reasonings and views. (Eph. 2:2, 3) The Bible aptly warns us: "Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould."-Rom. 12:2, Phillips*
* The NET Bible (2005) reads: "Do not be conformed to this present world." A footnote adds: "It is very telling that being "conformed" to the present world is viewed as a passive notion, for it may suggest that it happens, in part, subconsciously. At the same time, ... there may be some consciousness of the conformity taking place. Most likely, it is a combination of both."
Ya gotta love it.