Who writes the WBT$ 'publications'(TM)?

by punkofnice 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    Flipper's brilliant thread got me thinking


    Yeah, I know it's the 'writing committee'(TM).

    Who the hades are these jumped up nitwits? They write peurile cult nonsense. Openly lie. Use NLP, spin and logical fallacies. (Psssst. Don't mention the Trinity brochure).

    I'm sure they are 'unlettered and ordinary' (stupid), very full of themselves and spin doctors as they certainly come over like this.

    Anyone know who they are or anything about them? (and what medication they're on!)

  • rip van winkle
  • jookbeard

    wasn't Colin Quackenbush bit deal on the writing dept, same Reinhart Lenget (sic)

  • punkofnice

    Who put the Quack in quackenbush?

    I wonder if there is anyone we know of on the writing committee(TM) or all just secretive manipulating jerks, liads and teefs.

    I'd like to write for the WBT$. My first article would include: 'New Light(TM). You can use curse words on the platform!'

  • carla

    You think they use NLP? I have been thinking that for quite a number of years now, glad I'm not alone.

  • punkofnice

    Carla - On many occasions I have commented that this is why I believe the GB know they're running a scam...and so do their suck ups.

    That they misquote 'worldly'(TM) authorities on subjects for the WBT$'s own ends and use logical fallacies in the first place is a dead give away!

    I wonder if any of the writers took NLP courses??

    "Minds must be cleansed" (Watchtower, June 1, 1953, p. 350 par. 24). 24 In these closing days of wickedness Jehovah’s people must demonstrate holiness. They must not foul their minds with the filthy mental food on the propaganda tables of this old world, but must feed on the feast of fat things Jehovah provides. (Isa. 25:6; 28:8.) Minds must be cleansed and made over, mental circuits formed by old-world thinking and acting faded out and new ones put in according to new-world specifications. By privately studying regularly, by attending all meetings regularly, and by engaging in all features of the preaching work regularly mental circuits are deepened and such good activities become habitual, not at all the struggle they are when the mental circuits are weak and faint because used only occasionally. For ourselves and for others, make them strong!—1 Tim. 4:16.
  • cobaltcupcake

    "Minds must be cleansed??????"

  • 00DAD

    PUNK: I wonder if any of the writers took NLP courses??

    Interesting question.

    Of course we'll never know for sure, but the evidence is clear that they know what they're doing with their propaganda and manipulative language. It's clearly willful, intentional and deliberate.

  • notjustyet

    I have thought that they must have some NLP in there somewhere.

    I remember reading the magazines and whenever I would see the word demonstrated it was usually always at the end of a line where it was broken demon-


    I do not remember it being ever in one word. Possible but thought that if I were the WTBTS and were shooting striaght I would do my best to make sure that this did not happen.

    So who know,...

    I think that it was my stumbling on Derren Brown shows on TV and then watching his stuff on youtube that gave me the impetus to start to see how easily human minds can be altered into thinking whatever a person would like it to.

    WAKE UP CALL,....

    The first viceo was the one with Simon Pegg where he changed his memory,.....here is a link to the video and he explains how he does it afterward.


    Check out his stuff if your not familiar stuff. Check out his "anchors" and his "handshake induction"



  • Phizzy

    I think that WIKI lists about 28 propaganda techniques, which ,if memory serves, are ALL in use by the WT writers.

    If they had the truth they would not need to stoop so low, and by the way, calling their garbage "The Truth" is one of the listed examples.

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