Keep them alive? .... well we cant, any more than we can keep
ourselves alive.
This 'death thing', is relentless, and nothing
can prove otherwise. Nobody has lived forever!
Or come back to talk about it!
What we can do, is realize that we can only live in the NOW.
This very minute. One second at a time.
Age means nothing. You can only live one second at a time!
The seconds do run out, at different lengths of times ... so what!
So, what matters is, that the seconds are fully lived!
Whether your face is full of wrinkles or your cheeks are as smooth
as a babies bottom while you live these seconds, is immaterial.
Young or old ... you still get sick! So age doesn't matter!
Mind over matter "if you don't mind don't matter"!
We need to accept that the supply of seconds may be getting
short for many ......myself included, so if there are questions
that need answering ........ ASK now ... or forever wonder!
Watchtower teaches that the past didn't mean anything.
They say today is not important, not the real life.!
Just live for some pie in the sky ...tommorrow or,
until we tell you to start living!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe that's why the increasing 'death thing' we see
all around us now ..... scares us.
Live every second ... right now,
& every second will add up to a wonderful life.