Lies! Lies! Subway Isn't "Footlong"!
by metatron 21 Replies latest jw friends
and it took years for someone to figure it out.
I'm not surprised... The meat is pretty fake tasting too
I'd rather go to Togo's.
eva luna
It's a salad sandwich, with a granich of paper tasting meat, and cheese.
OK with me. I get it whole wheat . Skip the meat. All the vegetables and top it with oil , viniger , salt and pepper.
If it's only an 11 incher no prob.
Better for you than other fast food. But not as tasty.
I love their sweet onion dressing.....yummmm
breakfast of champions
Went to subway two weeks ago because it was convenient. Possibly one of the worst sandwiches I ever ate. The bread is awful: mushy, bland and had an odd sweetness. The meats were school lunchroom quality; the tomato and greens were acceptable. Better off at Quick Check or Wawa.
Better yet, go to a real deli.
terrible place, huge salt content as well, probably been twice in my life and never agian.
yadda yadda 2
I'm sure people only buy Subway because of the double-meaning of "6 inch"