I have never been a JW.....thank goodness...but my husband was one before I met him and has recently been attending the hall again, much to my chagrin.
I would like to be able to find out addresses of JW members and either mail or deliver to them some literature. I would love to hand deliver it to their teenagers as my friends recently had JW's come to their door when they were not home, but their teenage daughter was. She spoke with them, took their literature and gave them her first name. Well a couple of days later they returned and her mother answered the door. They asked for Sara (not her real name) was home and the mother informed them that Sara was her daughter and they were to stay away from her.
I would also like to have anti JW literature with me and when I come across them going door to door, I would like to follow up to homes that take any literature with my info which would have links to jwfacts.com. I know that if people have all this info, they will not be coerced into joining this cult.
This cult is affecting my family and people have to be made aware of it's doctrines and policies by any means. I am all in favour of using the media and encourage people to write letters to their newspapers sharing their experiences. Us non JW's have been too tolerent and too nice for too long and have allowed them to lure too many victims into their organization.