Anonymous v. Silentlambs... things are starting to get ugly

by cedars 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    One more thing I'd like to add here:

    While I'm no Bill Bowen fan, I do not support Anonymous' attack on him, posting his home address, etc.,. Excuse my French, but F&@k them!

  • purplesofa

    The WT has it's way of dealing with issues. They throw you out of the organization and let the world pick up the pieces. The world has it's way of dealing with issues and it's inadequate as well. People are trying their damnest to help people out. They have to deal with all sorts of things to even get help, personal issues, society stigma, lack of education, lack of money, lack of empathy, red tape etc etc.

    Both ways have failed people miserably. Some are lucky enough to actually get help, heal and move on. Too many fall through the cracks.

    While I don't agree with everything Anonymous does, or how they do it, they are at the very least putting the information out there for people to sift through for themselves.

    I think their main goal was to find the pedophile files that the WT has and that is what you all wanted. They have not been able to produce it and while trying they found this other stuff, or maybe someone asked for it, I dont effing know.

    The whole world is rising to the injustices that have gone on far too long on so many issues.

  • UnConfused

    Is Bill Bowen flawed? Maybe, I don't know.

    But an enemy (SL's) of my enemy (WT & covering abuse) is a friend of mine...thus and enemy (Anonymous) of my friend is an enemy of mine

  • Balaamsass

    Publicity is good.

    Remember Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!!!!!!!!

  • Justnowout

    I think this bullet point summerizes their issue with Bill:

    "• His refusal to assist in efforts to access and expose the pedophile database"

    in effect: 'oh you wont help us? Fine. Take this'

  • Londo111

    Really, what better way for the Society to engage in “theocratic warfare” but to pose as Anonymous and feed misinformation. It feeds into the persecution card, it targets the #1 website about an issue that’s done more to awaken people than any other. If they silence Silent Lambs, if they discredit Bill Bowen, then it is a victory for the Society.

  • rebel8

    I think this bullet point summerizes their issue with Bill:

    "• His refusal to assist in efforts to access and expose the pedophile database"

    in effect: 'oh you wont help us? Fine. Take this'

    I know, right? Hacking the org's computer system or stealing files is illegal.

    If he refused, then good for him. And why exactly would they even need his help? I don't get it. Aren't they the computer gurus?

    I have no idea anything about Bill Bowen, but the Anonymous claims as posted on page 1 are wacky and without supporting facts. That doesn't help the credibility of the anti-abuse movement or support for it. It sends it backward.

  • Pistoff

    <<Sorry guys, but I'm not going to jump on the "let's honor Bill Bowen" bandwagon. I have seen enough of him over the years to form my own judgments. He's no Martin Luther King, and he is not deserving of any credit for making legal recourse for sexual abuse any more accessible to victims than it ever was>>.

    I am not on a bandwagon.

    However the path to a legal victory is not a straight one, and the process was begun by Bill Bowen, whether you like it or not, 144001.

    The process has taken a long time to be refined, and includes a huge legal victory first in the California cases in 2008, where the courts first ruled that WT had no claim to confidentiality.

    The processes that led to the stunning victory by Candace Conti's legal team built on precedents and information about WT procedure that has come out since, yes, when Bill Bowen and Barb Anderson began the process by supplying information about WT beliefs, procedures, and policies, and the large collection of experiences of victims that were drawn to speak about it by Bill Bowen and his website.

    So please stop talking out your ass; this is something you know little about, and it shows.

  • watson
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Get serious! You're comparing Bill Bowen to MLK? Exhale whatever it is that you're smoking!"

    144001, Reread my post, I wasn't comparing Bill Bowen to MLK. I was comparing his earlier work with Silentlambs to the Union soldiers who fought in the civil war, as well as many others who also fought for civil rights before MLK was born. I wasn't comparing anyone to MLK. The point is that there were many different people that were involved in civil rights issues before and since MLK, just as there have been many different people involved with exposing the WT pedophile issues.

    I'm no disciple or particular fan of Bill Bowen. I haven't paid any attention to the drama that has surrounded him, as evidently you have been. But I respect what I've seen of his work with Silentlambs in exposing WT's mistreatment of molested children.

    But I suspect that I'm wasting my words on you. It appears that you would now turn this into a personal attack on me, suggesting that I'm on drugs. I see that you haven't forgotten your WT training on twisting logic.

    "Candace Conti would have had the same legal and circumstantial opportunities to bring her case if: [1] Bill Bowen had never been born; and/or [2] the Dateline segment had never aired."

    No kidding. I already said in the first paragraph of my post, "Jonathan Kendrick, the North Fremont Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and WT Corporation made Candice Conti's case possible". I didn't mention Dateline or Bill Bowen as directly involved in her case. Get it?

    I find it odd that you only find Candace Conti's case to have been of any value. You really don't care about any of the other molestation cases that came before hers? You don't care that Silentlambs was speaking up about flawed WT policies 10 years ago?

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