He said that its up to your conscience and quote " if you see me at the hospital with a bag of red liquid, You leave me alone and I'll leave you alone". She said nobody really thought anything about it which shocked her because to her that was a huge statement._____The redeemer
That CO repeated what was in the August 2006 Awake. On pages 11-12
" As for the various fractions derived from those components and products that contain such fractions, the bible does not comment on these therefore, each Witness makes his own decision on such matters________August Awake 2006 page 11-12
" Some manufacturers now process hemoglobin releasing it from human or bovine red blood cells. The end product is called HBOC. Scince the heme is responsible for the rich red color of blood, a unit of HBOC looks just like a unit of red blood, the primary component from which it is taken.
HBOC can be stored at room temperature and used months later. Hemoglobin is derived from blood. The hemoglobin from which the HBOC is derived, makes up a significant portion of that component. Regaurding this and similar products, then, christians face a very serious decision "_______________August Awake 2006 page 11 Grey box
The WTS is clearly slippin' and slidin' towards New light on blood. Be it ever so gradual.
Yep, The Witnesses can now take a whole bag of red liquid which has more than a fraction
but a SIGNIFICANT part of blood fractions that have been ...................STORED