This joke-hova is far worse than Hitler is supposed to be. Hitler only killed to defend His country, and that included keeping intruders (religious groups, notably the xians) who were bent on destroying all that hard work. Most people don't realize Hitler inherited hyperinflation, helped His country get back on its feet after that, built the Autobahn (the only highway system without speed limits through the whole system), and sought peace. And how Hitler hated to see all that work getting trashed--and was willing to die to protect His country.
On the other hand, joke-hova destroys children that cannot do anything about it. And for what? Because they do not serve that thing! Or because their parents don't serve that thing. Or, because they didn't get baptized when they were 6, Armageddon came when they were 7 or 8 and not yet "ready", and joke-hova decides that they should have become baptized. Or, because they did get baptized at 6 only to salute the flag or enjoy a birthday party or Christmas celebration when they were 7 or 8. That is enough for that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag thing to destroy innocent people.
Also, any parents who are not witlesses will see their children destroyed? Including babies and small children? We are not talking about potential parasites--we are talking indiscriminate destruction for no good reason. Children of all races and nationalities, potentially society-building children, slaughtered because they would not get baptized or because their parents got disfellowshipped for some stupid reason (or the children themselves--it takes only to celebrate Christmas or salute the flag at age 7 after getting baptized at age 6).
I did mention works that Hitler did. Now, I can't think of anything joke-hova did to enhance society. That thing didn't build a damn thing. It simply took credit for natural phenomena. People do good things, joke-hova takes credit (see what a parasite that thing is?). In fact, joke-hova never did anything for us. No improvement of infrastructure. No helping us with social or money problems (remember, Hitler did help Germany get back on its feet after the Weimar republic rendered the mark worthless). In fact, joke-hova never did anything except trying to enslave us all (which is actually right in their own LIE-ble), blaming Satan for the problems joke-hova actually caused itself. In addition, did Hitler guilt people into service simply by threatening their children? I don't think so.