Interesting meeting today.The DO had the last talk and he mentioned a couple of things I have not heard before :
1) The new lighter magazines are designed in a way to attract people to our website
2)The ministry will change to incoprorate preacing in town centres and and with stands as in Manhattan and certain brothers will be allocated to do this .So it is done now in a big scale ,organised.
3)The QR codes at the back of the magazines are there for smart phone users to guide them directly to ,unlike bad old internet via laptops and pc's that you have to look for the website on google and sometimes end up in enemy websites that look like our website but are spreading lies about JW's (he said exactly that!) We had 4 people who are studies at the moment and where there in the Hall today .I looked over to see the reaction and they looked puzzled .
So the way to tackle apostate websites is QR codes .What happened to good old debate I wonder ?
One thing is for sure though I never heard a District Overseer acknowledging apostate websites in such a way before ?
Who said "First they ignore us ,they they mock us ,then they fight us ,then we win "?
I think we are on STEP 3 at the moment!