Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-20-2013 WT Study (FORGIVENESS)

by blondie 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-20-2013 WT Study (NOVEMBER 15, 2012, pages 21-25)(FORGIVENESS)

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    “Jehovah [is] a God merciful and gracious,

    slow to anger . . . , pardoning error and

    transgression and sin.” —EX. 34:6, 7.


    How did Jehovah deal with the sins of David and Manasseh,

    and why so?

    Why did Jehovah handle matters as he did when dealing with the

    nation of Israel as a whole?

    How can we gain Jehovah’s forgiveness?


    Yes, why did God deal differently with the capital sins of David and Manasseh? Did the Law provide for the avoidance of execution for murder and adultery? Were there any other accounts of repentant, Israelite, deliberate murderers and adulterers that were forgiven by God and allowed to live? What important background did both David and Manasseh share that ordinary Israelites did not that would make them “worthy” of this special treatment? Both David and Manasseh were descendants of Judah, Manasseh a descendant of David, and his father was Hezekiah. According to the WTS when David sinned greatly, he had no son that God felt was qualified to be king, and after tossing his sons into the fire, neither did Manasseh. God was protecting the Messianic line by not applying the law equally. It could be compared to elder bodies that cover up or minimize their judgments to protect friends, more worthy elders, or people with money in the congregation to “protect” the congregation.

    *** lp chap. 13 p. 149 par. 21 A Pattern of Things to Come ***

    Life was considered sacred under the Law. A deliberate murderer could in no way be exonerated. He was to be put to death without fail. Thus in Numbers 35:30-33 we read: “Every fatal striker of a soul should be slain as a murderer at the mouth of witnesses, and one witness may not testify against a soul for him to die. And you must take no ransom for the soul of a murderer who is deserving to die, for without fail he should be put to death. . . . And you must not pollute the land in which you are; because it is blood that pollutes the land, and for the land there may be no atonement respecting the blood that has been spilled upon it except by the blood of the one spilling it.” This law removed such a wicked person from Israelite society. He did not run free to commit more murders.

    *** it-1 p. 549 Crime and Punishment ***

    Major crimes under the Law. Capital crimes. Under the Law the death penalty was prescribed for (1) blasphemy (Le 24:14, 16, 23); (2) worship of any god other than Jehovah, idolatry in any form (Le 20:2; De 13:6, 10, 13-15; 17:2-7; Nu 25:1-9); (3) witchcraft, spiritism (Ex 22:18; Le 20:27); (4) false prophecy (De 13:5; 18:20); (5) Sabbath breaking (Nu 15:32-36; Ex 31:14; 35:2); (6) murder (Nu 35:30, 31); (7) adultery (Le 20:10; De 22:22);

    (Deuteronomy 22:22) 22 “In case a man is found lying down with a woman owned by an owner, both of them must then die together, the man lying down with the woman and the woman. So you must clear away what is bad out of Israel.

    *** w11 1/1 p. 18 “He Softened the Face of Jehovah” ***

    Was the young king influenced by counselors who had no regard for true worship? The Bible does not say. What it does tell us is that Manasseh descended to gross idolatry and cruelty. He set up altars to false gods, offered his own sons in sacrifice, practiced spiritism, and put a graven image in Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem. Stubborn Manasseh refused to heed repeated warnings from Jehovah, the God whose miracle had enabled his birth.—Verses 3-10.

    Whatever the case, Manasseh had a change of heart. The record says: “He softened the face of Jehovah his God and kept humbling himself greatly . . . And he kept praying to Him.” (Verses 12, 13) But could a man who had committed such gross sins really be forgiven by God?

    Jehovah was touched by Manasseh’s sincere repentance. God heard his pleas for mercy “and restored him to Jerusalem to his kingship.” (Verse 13)

    So are we to believe there were no other repentant sinners in David’s time or Manasseh’s? Were all the other murderers and adulterers told they could escape execution by repenting?

    Manasseh became repentant while he was in captivity in Assyria…what was his repentance based on?

    Why was Bathsheba spared, did she show repentance? Why did the child die then?

    Based on these 2 OT examples, what basis is there for Christians to expect that kind of forgiveness? Would it not be that Christ died for all humans while they were yet sinners and laid the basis for an otherwise unreachable forgiveness?


    1, 2. (a) What kind of God did Jehovah prove to be to the nation

    of Israel? (b) What question does this article address?

    IN THE days of Nehemiah, a group of Levites

    acknowledged in public prayer that their forefathers

    had repeatedly “refused to listen” to Jehovah’s

    commandments. Again and again, however,

    Jehovah proved to be “a God of acts of forgiveness,

    gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant

    in loving-kindness.” To those repatriated exiles in

    Nehemiah’s time, Jehovah was continuing to show

    undeserved kindness.—Neh. 9:16, 17.


    Remember the Messiah had not yet come and Israel had to be intact until then. After Jesus came, forgiveness for the Jews as a group ended and Jerusalem was destroyed and they were scattered.

    2 On a personal level, each of us might ask, ‘What

    does Jehovah’s forgiveness mean for me?’ To help

    answer this important question, let us examine

    God’s dealings with two men who benefited from Jehovah’s

    forgiveness—the two kings David and Manasseh.


    Should Christians compare themselves to Israelites under the law, and kings at that who were part of the Messianic line?

    Why not Paul who was forgiven on the basis of Christ’s sacrifice.


    3-5. How did David become involved in serious sin?

    3 Although David was a God-fearing man, he did

    commit serious sins. Two of these involved a married

    couple, Uriah and Bath-sheba. The consequences

    of those sins were painful for all involved.

    Nevertheless, the way that God corrected David reveals

    a great deal about Jehovah’s forgiveness. Consider

    what happened.


    Not just serious, but capital ones, punishable by death, no “exoneration” or “atonement” allowed. Instead of David dying as the law said, God let David’s first son by Bathsheba die. Are sons supposed to die for the father’s sins? The WTS finds it very hard to use the word “murder” in connection with David’s actions toward Uriah.

    (Deuteronomy 24:16) 16 “Fathers should not be put to death on account of children, and children should not be put to death on account of fathers. Each one should be put to death for his own sin.

    4 David sent Israel’s army to besiege the Ammonite

    capital, Rabbah. It was located some 50 miles

    (80 km) east of Jerusalem, beyond the Jordan River.

    Meanwhile, from the roof of his palace in Jerusalem,

    David saw Bath-sheba—a married woman—bathing.

    Her husband was away. David was so aroused by

    observing Bath-sheba that he had her brought to

    his palace, where he committed adultery

    with her.—2 Sam. 11:1-4.


    Remember that David had several wives and had no restriction as to having married another as long as she was not married to someone else.

    Do you think the servants had no idea what was going on? No running to the priests to tell them how David was violating God’s law.

    What about Joab? Note how the WTS avoids saying murder = “result in his death”

    *** w04 4/1 p. 17 par. 10 Rely on God’s Spirit in Dealing With Life’s Changes ***

    The letter directed that Uriah be put in a battle situation that would result in his death. Joab obeyed, and Uriah was slain

    (2 Samuel 11:14, 15) 14 And it came about in the morning that David proceeded to write a letter to Jo′ab and send it by the hand of U·ri′ah. 15 So he wrote in the letter, saying: “PUT U·ri′ah in front of the heaviest battle charges, and YOU men must retreat from behind him, and he must be struck down and die.”

    5 When David learned that Bathsheba

    was pregnant, he had her husband,

    Uriah, brought back to Jerusalem

    in hopes that he would have sexual relations with

    her. But Uriah would not even

    enter his home—despite David’s efforts

    to encourage him to do so. Therefore,

    the king secretly wrote to his army commander

    to have Uriah placed “in front

    of the heaviest battle charges” and to

    have his fellow soldiers retreat from behind

    him. An easy target, Uriah died in

    the battle, just as David had planned.

    (2 Sam. 11:12-17) The king’s sin of adultery

    was thus compounded by his having

    an innocent man killed.


    So how long did it take for David to admit to his “serious” sins of murder and adultery?

    Murder or “having an innocent man killed”


    6. What was God’s reaction to David’s sins,

    and what does this reveal about Jehovah?

    6 Of course, Jehovah saw everything

    that happened. Nothing escapes his attention.

    (Prov. 15:3) Although the king

    subsequently married Bath-sheba, “the

    thing that David had done appeared bad

    in the eyes of Jehovah.” (2 Sam. 11:27)

    So how did God react to David’s serious

    sins? He sent his prophet Nathan to

    David. Being a God of forgiveness, Jehovah

    was apparently interested in finding

    a basis for extending mercy. Do you

    not find this approach on Jehovah’s part

    heartwarming? He did not force David

    to confess but simply had Nathan present

    the king with a story that illustrated

    the badness of his sins. (Read 2 Samuel

    12:1-4.) How effective that way of

    handling that delicate situation proved

    to be!


    If God was seeing everything, why did he not send Nathan before Uriah’s murder?

    Did God find a basis of extending mercy to other adulterers and murderers in Israel? What did the law say?

    Numbers 35:30-33 “Every fatal striker of a soul should be slain as a murderer at the mouth of witnesses, and one witness may not testify against a soul for him to die. And you must take no ransom for the soul of a murderer who is deserving to die, for without fail he should be put to death. . . . And you must not pollute the land in which you are; because it is blood that pollutes the land, and for the land there may be no atonement respecting the blood that has been spilled upon it except by the blood of the one spilling it.”

    7. How did David respond to Nathan’s illustration?

    7 Nathan’s illustration stirred up the

    king’s sense of justice. David became

    angry at the rich man of the story and

    said to Nathan: “As Jehovah is living, the

    man doing this deserves to die!” Moreover,

    David stated that the victim of

    such an injustice should be compensated

    for his losses. But then came a powerful

    blow. “You yourself are the man!”

    Nathan declared. David was then told

    that as a consequence of his actions, “a

    sword” would not depart from his house

    and calamity would strike his family.

    He would also be publicly humiliated

    for his errors. David realized the gravity

    of what he had done and contritely admitted:

    “I have sinned against Jehovah.”

    —2 Sam. 12:5-14.


    How good an illustration if Nathan had to make the application?

    Note that the sword and calamity would come against David’s other wives and his sons, not David as the law said. Should sons suffer for the sins of their fathers? How does public humiliation compare to Uriah’s murder?


    8, 9. How does Psalm 51 reveal David’s inmost

    thoughts, and what does it teach us about Jehovah?

    8 The words of a song that King David

    thereafter composed reveal his heartfelt

    remorse. Psalm 51 contains David’s

    touching pleas to Jehovah and clearly

    shows that he did more than admit his

    errors. He also repented of his sins. David

    was primarily concerned about his

    relationship with God. “Against you, you

    alone, I have sinned,” he confessed. He

    pleaded with Jehovah: “Create in me

    even a pure heart, O God, and put within

    me a new spirit, a steadfast one. . . .

    Do restore to me the exultation of salvation

    by you, and may you support me

    even with a willing spirit.” (Ps. 51:1-4, 7-

    12) Are you as earnest and as open with

    Jehovah when you speak to him about

    your failings?


    How many jws can speak to God about their sins but not the humans they have sinned against?

    9 Jehovah did not eliminate the painful

    consequences of David’s sins. Their

    effects were to continue with him for

    the rest of his life. However, in recognition

    of David’s repentant spirit—he had

    “a heart broken and crushed”—Jehovah

    forgave him. (Read Psalm 32:5; Ps. 51:

    17) Almighty God understands the true

    attitude and motive behind sins. Rather

    than have the adulterers condemned

    to death by human judges according to

    the Mosaic Law, Jehovah mercifully intervened,

    dealing with David and Bathsheba

    himself. (Lev. 20:10) God even

    made their son Solomon Israel’s next

    king.—1 Chron. 22:9, 10.


    He didn’t eliminate the painful consequences! Who died his children, his other wives were raped.

    So were the other adulterers condemned to death by human judges have God step in and send a prophet to save them? Does Jesus’ sacrifice extended only to some? Were there no other Israelites worthy of the same mercy God showed David and Bathsheba?

    Solomon, their son, who died and apostate……

    10. (a) What basis might Jehovah have found

    for forgiving David? (b) What factors move Jehovah

    to extend forgiveness?

    10 Perhaps another factor in Jehovah’s

    forgiveness is the way David himself

    had shown mercy to Saul. (1 Sam. 24:

    4-7) As Jesus explained, Jehovah treats

    us the way we treat others. “Stop judging

    that you may not be judged,” said

    Jesus, “for with what judgment you are

    judging, you will be judged; and with

    the measure that you are measuring out,

    they will measure out to you.” (Matt. 7:

    1, 2) What a relief it is to know that Jehovah will

    forgive our sins—even sins as serious

    as adultery or murder! He will do

    so if we have a forgiving spirit, if we confess

    our sins before him, and if we manifest

    a changed attitude toward our bad

    actions. “Seasons of refreshing” come

    from Jehovah when sinners sincerely repent.—

    Read Acts 3:19.


    Perhaps…might have: reading God’s mind?

    So how many adulterers and murderers in Israel had their sins personally forgiven like David, Bathsheba, and Manasseh?

    Why use OT examples to illustrate forgiveness to Christians…why not Paul or Peter?


    11. In what ways did King Manasseh do what

    was bad in God’s eyes?

    11 Consider another Scriptural account

    that illustrates the extent of Jehovah’s

    willingness to forgive. Some 360

    years after David began to rule, Manasseh

    became king of Judah. His 55-year-long

    reign was infamous for wickedness,

    and his detestable practices brought

    condemnation from Jehovah. Among

    other things, Manasseh set up altars to

    Baal, worshipped “all the army of the

    heavens,” made his sons pass through

    fire, and promoted spiritistic practices.

    Yes, “he did on a grand scale what was

    bad in the eyes of Jehovah.”—2 Chron.



    Another OT account

    I wonder how many of his sons he killed by fire?

    12. How did Manasseh return to Jehovah?

    12 Eventually, Manasseh was taken

    from his homeland and thrown into a

    Babylonian prison. There he may have

    recalled these words of Moses to Israel:

    “When you are in sore straits and

    all these words have found you out at

    the close of the days, then you will

    have to return to Jehovah your God

    and to listen to his voice.” (Deut. 4:30)

    Manasseh did return to Jehovah. How?

    He “kept humbling himself greatly” and

    “kept praying” to God (as depicted on

    page 21). (2 Chron. 33:12, 13) We have no

    record of the exact words Manasseh uttered

    in those prayers, but we can imagine

    that they may in some ways have paralleled

    those of King David, as recorded

    in Psalm 51. In any case, Manasseh underwent

    a complete change of heart.


    So would you ask God to help you if you were in prison, but not until then?

    “No record of the exact words Manasseh utter….but we can IMAGINE.

    13. Why did Jehovah forgive Manasseh?

    13 What was Jehovah’s response to

    Manasseh’s prayers? “He let himself be

    entreated by [Manasseh] and He heard

    his request for favor.” Like David before

    him, Manasseh recognized the seriousness

    of his sins and was truly repentant.

    That is why God forgave Manasseh

    and restored him to the kingship in Jerusalem.

    As a result, “Manasseh came

    to know that Jehovah is the true God.”

    (2 Chron. 33:13) How heartening it is to

    have this further evidence that our merciful

    God forgives those who are genuinely



    So how many murders was Manasseh forgiven by God, Manasseh’s own children?

    The law says no atonement except by the murderers own blood, death.


    14. What determines whether Jehovah will

    grant sinners forgiveness?

    14 Few among God’s people today will

    ever have to seek forgiveness for sins as

    serious as those of David and Manasseh.

    Yet, the fact that Jehovah forgave these

    two kings helps us to realize that our

    God is willing to forgive even gross sins

    if the sinner is truly repentant.


    God’s people today = only jws

    Gross sins = disfellowshipping = supposedly sins Christians would have been put to death for if they lived in pre-Christian times; unless God played favorites.

    15. How do we know that Jehovah’s forgiveness

    is not automatic?

    15 Of course, we cannot rightly conclude

    that Jehovah automatically forgives

    all humans for their sins. In this

    regard, let us compare the attitude of

    David and Manasseh with that of the

    wayward people of Israel and Judah.

    God sent Nathan to confront David and

    give him an opportunity to change his

    attitude. David gratefully accepted this

    Because of Jehovah’s forgiveness, Manasseh

    was restored to his kingship in Jerusalem

    offer. When Manasseh found himself in

    sore straits, he was moved to sincere repentance.

    Often, however, the inhabitants

    of Israel and Judah did not repent.

    Therefore, Jehovah did not forgive them.

    Instead, he repeatedly had his prophets

    declare how he viewed their disobedient

    conduct. (Read Nehemiah 9:30.) Even

    after the exiles returned from Babylon

    to their homeland, Jehovah continued

    to raise up faithful messengers, such as

    the priest Ezra and the prophet Malachi.

    When the people acted in harmony

    with Jehovah’s will, they experienced

    great joy.—Neh. 12:43-47.


    Where are Paul and Peter as examples. So murder only requires a change in attitude?

    16. (a) For the nation of Israel as a whole, what

    were the consequences of their being unrepentant?

    (b) What outcome can there be for individual

    descendants of the ancient Israelites?

    16 After Jesus was sent to the earth

    and the one perfect ransom sacrifice

    was provided, Jehovah no longer accepted

    Israel’s animal sacrifices. (1 John 4:9,

    10) As a man, Jesus reflected his Father’s

    viewpoint when he spoke these moving

    words: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer

    of the prophets and stoner of those

    sent forth to her,—how often I wanted to

    gather your children together, the way

    a hen gathers her chicks together under

    her wings! But you people did not

    want it.” So Jesus declared: “Look! Your

    house is abandoned to you.” (Matt. 23:

    37, 38) Thus, the sinful and unrepentant

    nation was replaced by spiritual Israel.

    (Matt. 21:43; Gal. 6:16) But what about

    individual members of natural Israel?

    They are welcome to benefit from Jehovah’s

    forgiveness and mercy by exercising

    faith in God and in the sacrifice of

    Jesus Christ. That opportunity will also

    be open to people who died without repenting

    of their sins but who are resurrected

    on a cleansed earth.—John 5:28,

    29; Acts 24:15.


    The day may come when the WTS may have to answer to their God about their child abuse policies and their ever-changing blood transfusion doctrine.

    Cleansed earth – cleansed of 7 plus billion non-jws men, women, and children soon to die at Armageddon who have no hope of being resurrected.

    How many jws know that until the final judgment to death of the goats happens after the great tribulation begins not between 1914 and the great tribulation


    17, 18. How can we receive Jehovah’s forgiveness?

    17 How should we respond to Jehovah’s

    willingness to forgive? Surely we

    ought to act as did David and Manasseh.

    We should recognize our sinfulness,

    repent of our errors, earnestly beseech

    Jehovah for forgiveness, and ask

    him to create in us a pure heart. (Ps.

    51:10) If we have sinned seriously, we

    should also seek the spiritual assistance

    of the elders. (Jas. 5:14, 15) Regardless

    of our circumstances, it is comforting to

    bear in mind that Jehovah is as he described

    himself to Moses—“a God merciful

    and gracious, slow to anger and

    abundant in loving-kindness and truth,

    preserving loving-kindness for thousands,

    pardoning error and transgression

    and sin.” Jehovah has not changed.

    —Ex. 34:6, 7.


    Why not act as Paul and Peter did?

    Will jws who go to elders regarding murder be turned into the secular authorities or will God’s forgiveness be all that is required, once again law is ignored?


    18 Using a powerful comparison, Jehovah

    promised repentant Israelites the

    complete removal of the stain of their

    sins, making what was “scarlet” as white

    as “snow.” (Read Isaiah 1:18.) What,

    then, does Jehovah’s forgiveness mean

    for us? A complete pardon for our sins

    and errors, provided that we manifest a

    grateful and repentant attitude.


    With so many OT references, there is little or no mention of Jesus and the ransom, the basis for forgiveness of sins.

    A complete pardon…David was not removed as king or privately reproved was he? I knew one sister df’d for 8 years for adultery and a pedophile brother for only 8 months. How long before the elders will view a person as forgiven……..years, years, years.

    19. What will we consider in the article that


    19 As the recipients of Jehovah’s forgiveness,

    how can we imitate him in our

    dealings with one another? How can we

    avoid adopting an unforgiving attitude

    toward those who sin seriously but manifest

    genuine repentance? The next article

    will help us examine our own hearts

    so that we can become more like our Father,

    Jehovah, who is “good and ready to

    forgive.”—Ps. 86:5.


    Not only elders judge what is “genuine repentance” but the whole congregation can.

    (1 John 3:17-18) . . .. 17 But whoever has this world’s means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of God remain in him? 18 Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth.



    Growing up I noticed that when gossiping was discussed almost 90% of the time the pictures showed women…from the picture next week can we assume that women are more unforgiving than men?

    Love, Blondie

  • hoser

    If God was seeing everything, why did he not send Nathan before Uriah’s murder?

    good point

  • konceptual99

    Great comments Blondie. In the notes is a link to a BOE letter but the link does not seem to be working on my tablet. Is that Chrome on the iPad or is the link bust?


  • blondie

    The scan for the 1992 letter re murder can be found here

  • WTWizard

    From this washtowel article, only Manasseh and Tyrant David were to be forgiven. And that was to keep the Jews alive long enough to provide Jesus, after which joke-hova had no use for the lineage (though joke-hova did use the Jews, along with Christians and Muslims, to set the whole world up for the mass enslavement that Satan worked so hard to bust up). No matter how grave the sin, these two links had to be protected.

    Since Jesus already came and gone (according to their own LIE-ble), what use does joke-hova have for us today? None. That thing needed Tyrant David and Manasseh to fulfill its own work, and this forgiveness was purely selfish. Yet Satan works so hard to do some real good for humanity, and what does joke-hova do? Blaspheme Satan, of course! Taking a stupid piece of fruit, which is going to rot if left alone, is worse than deception that includes murder. Since when? Since joke-hova declared it so, that's when. And joke-hova doesn't need us alive today, aside as slaves. Hence, turning in a field circus slip where you could have put in another 5 minutes out of 200 hours warrants destruction. Children not getting baptized by the time they reach 6 years of age warrants destruction, as do children whose parents don't become and stay witlesses. Today, we have only to salute the flag or celebrate Christmas at age 7 after being baptized at age 6 under pressure (you will not survive unless you get baptized then) to warrant joke-hova's full wrath. Yet, Tyrant David was able to get away with murder.

    And, the Bath-Sheba incident was the least of Tyrant David's problems. What was that thing fighting for in the first place? Palestine was trying to live in peace, minding its own business, and Tyrant David wanted an innocent nation gone because they didn't worship joke-hova. Yet, joke-hova wanted that scumbag Tyrant David to live while children that don't get baptized "young enough" or whose parents don't believe the washtowel scam or that get tired of it will die. All joke-hova is is a bully, a tyrant, and the prime driver of all that's trying so hard to enslave the whole human race. Banksters stealing our wealth and we can't do jack squat about it? It's joke-hova. Rockefellers screwing up our medical and educational system? Yes, joke-hova wants it that way. The United Nations? Certainly not of Satan! Joke-hova wants them, so it can use the UN to enslave the world. Codex Alimentarius? Joke-hova. Agenda 21+? Joke-hova. That Almighty Lowlife Scumbag is at the apex of everything that is ruining the world for mankind. And they have the nerve to call that "forgiveness"? Only if you happen to be Tyrant David.

    Not to mention, the amount they harp on Tyrant David should be enough to question whether this is even a pure Christian religion as they claim. Hint: The Jewish religions use Tyrant David (Moses and Abraham) as exemplars, not Jesus. The washtowel honors Jesus just enough to be part Christian, but they honor Tyrant David way too much to be anything less than half Jewish. Nice misrepresentation on the part of the washtowel--anyone thinking they were getting the pure Christian religion got stung.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Why is the Governing Body and their writers of the Watchtower so focused on a neo-Judaism religion? The Book Study conductor I had early on, would say things like "The New Testament (Greek Scriptures) does not apply to the Great Crowd, just the Little Flock" and I was too stupid to question his opinions. The BS conductor was a very intelligent man, how could he not see through on this false information?

    Matthew 23:

    13 "What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people's faces. You won't go in yourselves, and you don't let others enter either. [ e ]

    15 "What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell [ f ] you yourselves are!"

    Why does the Watchtower focus on the Jewish and Law Covenant instead of the Christian way of life? I appreciated your study efforts Blondie, your a better conductor than most unprepared WT Conductors who "wing it". Thank you!

  • Bobcat


    Some 360 years after David began to rule, Manasseh became king of Judah.

    WT Chronology:

    1077 David begins rule

    -716 Manasseh begins rule

    361 Difference

    Secular/Bible Chronology: (i.e. Bible history from Kings matched with secular chronology.)

    1011 David begins rule

    -697 Manasseh begins rule

    314 Difference

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    What is wrong with the Christian New Covenant or why does the Watchtower fear the power of Jesus Christ's freedom? No man is allowed to "test the them"(Rev 2:1-6)?

    Acts 17:11 "And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul's message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth."

    The people of Berea would be disfellowshiped for Apostasy if they refused to get on board the "Soul Plane" flown by the GB Pilots. Why should anyone listen to a JW coming to their door, when a JW would never listen or accept literature from a competing teaching.

    Is it me, or are they watering down their dried milk Magazines? Where's The Beef?

  • konceptual99

    Thanks Blondie. That letter was astonishing. I can see where the screwy WT legal reasoning comes from but the moral implications are huge. At least the congregation can be happy his alleged dope smoking will be properly dealt with.

    Great comments again. I was not at the meeting yesterday but did have a discussion with my wife about David's ability to duck everything just because he did not kill Saul when he had the opportunity.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The article would have been more appropriately entitled: ‘What Does Jehovah’s Forgiveness Mean To Jehovah’s Witnesses?’

    A number of years back WT boasted “…..each year about 40,000 individuals are disfellowshipped from Jehovah’s organizations.” (WT 4/1/94 pg 16 par 8)

    WOW! Forty thousand disfellowshipped each year!

    In ten years 400,000 would have been disfellowshipped. In twenty years nearly 1,000,000 would have been disfellowshipped.

    Hot-Damn! Looks like the WT and their Elders can use a good lesson on forgiveness!

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