Seriously, I don't own a Zambonee, swimming pool, basketball courts, tennis courts, work out gym, vollyball sand pit, horse shoe pit, orchards, sauna, maple syrup/apple cider processing room and now a golf course Oh, and lets not forget the free laundry service, your meals made, your dishes washed and put away and your rooms cleaned by others. Hmmm,,, seems to me your bethelites have more time on their hands to pioneer since they have all this free time on their hands as well NO BILLS!!!!!!!!! I know this for we worked at the Bethel and kept wondering what the heck? The weirdest thing was the bethelites would have to go to the bethel farm for the weekend to recoup. FROM WHAT? They have it made and let me tell you, they party hardy for we know. We were the ones that had to clean up after them.
Shouldn't Society Practise What They Preach??????
by newsheep 20 Replies latest jw friends
"...The weirdest thing was the bethelites would have to go to the bethel farm for the weekend to recoup. FROM WHAT? They have it made and let me tell you, they party hardy for we know. We were the ones that had to clean up after them." newsheep I think, your thread would have been better posted here on this link so as to continue the story. Please,check it here if you did not do.
Are you serious? Do they really have their own orchards, cider/syrup processing room, and a GOLF COURSE?!! All the while telling members to keep it simple? Please tell me this is an exaggeration. My blood is boiling! I need to remember to take by bp pills!
Ans a Zamboni? No, I can't believe they have any need for a Zamboni.
Thankyou Scott77 for the heads up for I am a newbie and appreciate the info. Most definitley they own a zambonee and all their equipment is top of the line. They have different kinds of apples, pears ect.. They get an aweful lot donated to them like the one day there were skids of fresh live lobsters in huge plastic tubs, another time fresh salmon fillets. They are not hurting at all. Can't figure out if all they have to do is work eight hours per day and not have to worry about paying for meals or making them or clean their rooms or wash their clothes, have no kids to look after, then why aren't they pioneering? We have to work, pay for all our bills, raise families, cook our own meals, shop for groceries, clean our homes inside and outside, and are still expected to volunteer on the RBC, pioneer, donate and support the beast and his organisation use our cars, our time, pay for gas and yet keep recreation on the low end of the spectrum. We don't even have a used ten thousand dollar gazebo to sit in to look at all the pretty things that the publishers pay for. Don't feel sorry for these people who "sacrificed" their lives to serve the organisation. If I recall Jesus didn't even have a rock to lay his head.
Good night everyone
But they spend all day reading the bible, so that they can give 'food at the proper time', don't you know (Sarcasm directed at THEM, not you!!)
Zambonee's with Mag wheels, who can resist, please send your donations...
Oh, but don't forget, Bethelites belong to a religious order and have taken a vow of poverty.
Amelia Ashton
I googled zambonee. Still don't know what one is. Can some-one please enlighten me. Ty