I am a fader and through the years I've known and spoken to Jw's who live their entire life around the religion. They live as though they speak with Jesus himself! What really got to me was the other day me and my wife had to stop by some Elder's house and it was a Saturday night. Both he, his wife and their 4 children were all studying their Watchtower's for Sunday. The brother and his wife are regular pioneer's and ofcourse broke as hell barely surviving with 4 kids. Old furniture in their home as though they found it on the street...... it just shocked me. The brothers WT mag was not just underlined but with tons of notes written on the sides of the pages. Personally, I can't even stay awake during the meeting less do an hour of pre-study. And when the bro spoke, in every sentence its Jehovah this or Theocratic that. I just cannot imagine living that kind of a life. Not to knock these people, they are very nice, but in a way I feel sorry for them. If only they could put all that effort on something usefull!
I'm curious as to what causes many people like this to be so devoted to it. What is the phsycology behind what makes them tick?