Another reason why 1914 is WRONG

by EdenOne 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    This 2,520-year calculation started with John Aquila Brown in 1823. Russell simply copied it 50 years later and shifted the Gentile Times a couple years back.

    But this “day for a year” calculation falls apart on so many levels.

    First, a solar year is exactly 365.24219879 days long (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.975 seconds). So Jesus supposed “return” would actually fall somewhere in 1951 (not 1914).

    Second, a lunar year is only about 354.25 days (not 360 days). So if lunar years are used, Jesus return would actually fall somewhere in 1874 (wait, wasn’t that their original date for Jesus return?)…

    On the other hand, a lunar-solar year is a combination of the previous two except that “intercalary months” need to be inserted 7 times every 19 years just to keep up (or synchronize, if you like) with the more relevant “solar year”.

    But regardless of which formula the Watchtower claims to be using, they know very well that John Aquila Brown spiked his afternoon tea with some very good gin when he came up with this non-sense.

  • Rattigan350

    If 587 was the destruction of Jerusalem, then 1914 would still be the end of the gentile times because that is how it was believed prior to Nelson Barbour's changing of the time of the destruction of Jerusalem.

  • AnnOMaly

    Time to drop in one of Leolaia's old posts on this (I hope she doesn't mind):

    The ancient Jews had several different calendars.

    The Jewish lunisolar calendar had 354 days per year (based on alternating 29-day and 30-day months, as determined by observation of the moon and later by known astronomical cycles), which was intercalated with the solar cycle but the insertion of an extra month Adar II every several years. This calendar is used in much of the OT, especially those with named months.

    The Jewish solar calendar had 360 monthly days per year (based on four seasons consisting of three 30-day months), plus 4 epagomenal days inserted between the seasons, namely the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the autumn equinox, and the winter solstice. In later Jewish texts (cf. Jubilees, the later sections of the Book of Luminaries in 1 Enoch, the Qumran calendrical texts), these four days came to be included within the months, giving a total of 364 days in the months. This calendar was used in the Zadokite/Sadducee cultus and in the Essene community, and is used (in its original form) in Daniel, the Priestly Code, and other priestly texts in the OT. This was a favored religious calendar by the priests because it was inherently sabbatical (364 is divisible by 7, yielding 52 weeks), allowing the festivals and sabbaths to fall on the same day of the week every year. The Christian reckoning of Easter and Holy Week is a remnant of this.

    The Society fails to understand the solar calendar used in Daniel when they calculate the "Gentile Times". They do not realize that the yearly computation (since they identity a "time" = a year) included not only the 360 monthly days but also the 4 equinoxes and solstices. Only when reckoning the year by the months (such as the 42 months of Revelation 11:2-3) were the epagomenal days omitted by the Zadokite calendar (while the Essene and Jubilees calendar included them).

    Also see her comments HERE.

    So if I've understood correctly, the '7 times' figure should have resulted in 2548 days rather than 2520.

    2520 + (7 x 4 equinox/solstice days) = 2548

    So that takes you to 1942.

  • Phizzy

    Ah, but as Jerusalem was really destroyed in 587 that brings us to the tumultuous year of 1962.

    You remember, Marilyn Monroe found dead, beauty had left the Earth, and even more fulfilling of prophecy and showing that Satan really had come down to the Earth, the first Walmart !

  • Finkelstein

    1914 is just one of many established doctrines the WTS. created to attract attention to its published goods.

    When nothing transpired in 1914 as the WTS. said was to transpire decades prior to 1914, the WTS. had to embellish

    something else from the original doctrinal date established back in 1874.

    This comes out from the only true religion and duly chosen by god himself, who are true lovers and seekers of righteous Truth, the WTS.

    Seems the leaders of the WTS. probably realized their own inherent bullshit so they most likely thought why not bullshit further if its only

    going to help in selling their products to the public, retrospectively they were right.

  • wantingtruth
  • rege  brazzy
    rege brazzy
    yes, i perceived this in 1999

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