Has anyone else recieved the letter from the GB about international conventions in 2014? According to the letter the Missionarys/order of full time servants desperately need to get to the conventions in their homeland. So to accomplish this, Jehovah needs 15 cents per publisher, per congregation for some months ( sorry I can't remember the exact length of time ). In addition to this suggested voluntary donation it was stated that that the Elders would be meeting and determining how much the KH could contribute.
We know that the Congregation will approve whatever amount they come up with. So in addition to reminding the friends to increase thier donations, another donation will be sent ( just in case no one donates because of the goading?). So the WTBTS with all it's money cannot send a few missionaries to a Convention that is already paid for before anyone arrives to contribute more money? There was also a reminder in the letter of how inappropriate it would be to solicit funds from members of the congregation to donate to a family member or friend who is a missionary. The letter from the WTBTS is doing just that, begging for money!!