Infant formula: I was a cashier and the prices are high way robbery. I nursed my babies, but not everyone can breast feed. I am shocked that infant formula companies are allowed to charge so much for the stuff. Some poorer, less educated mothers were using less formula and more water and babies were not thriving on it. Some babies have died from starvation from being fed watered down formula.
Top Ten most SHOPLIFTED items?
by Terry 38 Replies latest jw friends
I remember when at least one baby formula company was telling third world mothers not to breastfeed. They convinced the mothers that formula was better. The mothers were diluting the formula and harming the health and safety of their babies. Now the companies have to educate mothers in breastfeeding first. And even here in the USA where they are allowed to advertise, the formula companies have to say that breastfeeding is better for babies.
finally awake
Many of those items are priced at levels that cause people to feel like they are being gouged. If prescription meds were accessible to shoplifters, the list would look far different.
I can't verify this--but, I was told by the librarian at our Downtown Public library that books by ZANE are the most often
stolen! That, at least, makes sense.
Zane is luridly dirty "urban" erotica!
The unproved rumor is that "the bible" is the most stolen book. I don't believe that for a moment!
I would guess that #1-10 on my list would be "anything in any aisle I shop in", because I can't even get my notepad out of my pocket without a store employee suddenly showing up to "restock the shelf" wherever I am. It would be annoying if I let myself think about it all the time. I guess I'm not allowed to go into my own pockets unless it's to give them money.
Bibles stolen from motels and Hotels , if they still do put bibles inside rooms. ?????
It would be easy to assume that since the economic recession started, shoplifting has been on the rise.
Bibles stolen from motels and Hotels , if they still do put bibles inside rooms. ?????
Free condoms would do more good, I'd imagine!
(I am pretty sure the Gideons still leave those bibles in motels. I don't know about hotels.)
The Gideons leave those Bibles as a free gift. Never needed one of theirs. They give them out free at schools and jails as well.