Dazed and Confused>>>>>>>>(Facepalm-shaking head) That is a very apt name you picked. I am sorry for all you have been thru.
If there is a happiness in this, it is that you and your wife are still young, when you awoke to the truth about the Truth (tm).
Isn't it bizarre. You are there 5 years, you want to stay with your new wife, you are offering up/sacrificing your young lives, for free and they tell you, no:
1. Go find a place to live, in a college town where rents are higher, where you can then
2. Wait, and sign up for College, hopefully, your chosen field is not heavily booked, then the wise F&DS, expect you to also to be a
3. 50 hour a month pioneer, or looked down upon as lowly R&F 10 hour pub or a hanger on 1 or 2 hours a month, and don't forget, you are also expected to
4. Have a 4 door car, which is an on going expense on its own, support the congo, study for meetings, go to said meetings, comment at meetings, give talks at meetings, while also
5. Studying to get a degree, so you can return to Bethel, and work for them for free. lol
Nothing has even been said about how you are going to get a job to pay for all of this.
Or if you even have time to breath. lol
Let alone have time to enjoy the wife of your youth.
How are you suppose to pay off your school loan, on the poverty pennance, they extend to you each month back at Bethel? You can't. You'll have to pay it off before you go back.
So maybe, the Bethel Elder felt he was setting you and other Brothers up, so you can come back to Bethel in 10 plus years, so Bethel can brag about how educated "their" Bethelites are, all on your dime, of course. lol
Bethel does NOT think Armegeddon is right around the corner. If they say it, it is said as a carrot for You to do more. They have got Big Plans for Their Future. You... Your a dime a dozen. If they keep You tired enough, You will do and believe everything they tell you.
CO's get every Monday off. When will you and your wife get a breather?
A heart felt Welcome to you and your wife.
Maybe start a new thread and tell us how things are and how you are coping. Vomit out what you need to. It's OK.
Dazed and Confused. We understand.
Just Lois
PS. I could have said the above in a Private Message, but not everyone checks their pm's.
Sorry if I have offended anyone.