does it vary by state? can i use my jwness on a resume? is there a test? i will research on my own but i figured id ask here first.
any info on becoming an ordained minister
by fakesmile 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I thought about this, becoming a ordained minister under a different religion. I got as far as thinking about it and never did nothing about it. What's your goal with becoming a minister?
because to cause trouble in the system, first you must get in the door. i see myself as a rebel with a hide behind god defense. lol
I would think the qualifications would be set by the religious body (church).
For example, an ordained minister of any religion is authorized by this (and I suspect most) States to perform a marriage ceremony. Whether one qualifies as an Ordained Minister is by definition of their church. JWs state that only Elders qualify.
If you're just talking about hanging out a sign and opening up a church, well you probably got just as much qualification as you did to be a JW "minister".
Establishing a church with the IRS or the State is not a big deal either. If you say you're a church -- then you are.
thanks t
doc. start my own church. name it something beyond reproach, like "biblical scolars association".
doc. start my own church. name it something beyond reproach, like "biblical scolars association".
Yep. File for LLC status as religious organization with your State (they will enter sales tax exemption letter). Get a Federal ID number. Apply to IRS as tax exempt religious organization.
Zip Boom Bam
You're a "church".
doc. thanks. im not about trying to get rich. regardless of my types of posts, making money of of low self confidence, searching for approval, gullible people has no challenge for me and is actually abhorant. but the title could be good for business and id have the authority to marry whoever. im thinking politics.
They will ordain you online for free, and mail you a certificate. They even let you choose a title: Rabbi, Father, Reverend, Lord etc.
And their ordainations will allow you to perform legally binding marriages almost anywhere in the US. There are three states that don't accept them though and may not issue a marriage license. (But if you perform a marriage outside the state it's still binding of course.)