Great photos. I am especially impressed with the one showing the moons of Jupiter - incredible. What kind of lens did you use for that, Leolaia? Well done both of you!
The moon tonight.
by Defianttruth 29 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah I used my camera's manual setting and shot the moon at f6.5 at 1/125 (80 iso) and shot Jupiter at 1/5 of a second, then layered the two together, and tweaked the levels of Callisto to bring it out a bit more.
Here is Jupiter at original resolution:
poppers...I used a Canon SX50 HS.
Some very nice comets coming this year. ESON might be brighter than the moon.
Great thread.
eva luna
What a beautiful and unusual photo Difianttruth.
Watching the moon last night, I didnt realize that it was Jupiter, I thought it was a star.
Leo and Kutbethel , very nice clear shots.
Thanks for shareing .
I enjoyed all the infromation too.
Wolf Moon on Sunday.
I took some photos of Hyakutake. Missed the boat on Halle-Bop, I don't know why I didn't photograph it since it was so striking. ISON is gonna be awesome if it survives its trip around the sun. The problem with viewing it at its brightest is that it will be right next to the sun. I'm not sure how to safely do that; too bad there aren't any total eclipses scheduled for late November. Looks like best viewing time will be early December.
PANSTARRS is coming in March. Could be as bright as Hale Bopp, which I saw.
you going to get BAD weather in 5-7 days time!
cool pix