by Mary 23 Replies latest social current

  • poppers

    "We have sex education in schools because we worry about kids and sex, so why not have gun education? It used to be that a lot of high schools had rifle clubs and we didn't see the school shootings back then we now see."

    The most popular summer school program in my school district's middle school is hunter safety. Those who complete the program then go on a wild turkey hunt with their instructors and qualified adult volunteers.

  • Mary
    Where did he get the gun(s)?

    Apparently in his parents' closet.

    Are they his parents and siblings.

    Yes. He shot and killed his parents and his siblings.

  • Finkelstein

    Violence thats profusely sold and presented to young people such as in TV, movies, video games and down at the local gun shops and gun shows,

    is it any wonder a small segment of the consumers, particularly the impressionable youth are going to emulate what they have been mentally exposed to..

    You can reflect upon what the youth did a month ago in Newtown as well.

    The question remains has all of this violence permeated the American consciousness to such accumulating extent its making

    some of the population, particularly the youth mentally sick ?

  • james_woods
    Apparently in his parents' closet.

    Exactly my point. They should have been locked up, like the ones used in the Newtown shootings.

    I know that the anti-gun/gun abolitionists will say "it would not have happened if there were no guns".

    I find that irrelevant - there are 350 million guns in the U.S. today, and no law is going to confiscate them all. No new law to prevent gun sales would have stopped this shooting. The guns in this incident were almost certainly legally obtained and legally owned - but carelessly stored.

    All that emotion and effort would be more effectively used in an effort to contain home guns in a safe manner - which is really the only available course of action to prevent such shootings.

  • wasblind

    Welcome to the board soontobe

    Back in the day, when I was in high school

    I joined the ROTC. Not because I was interested in the Army

    I joined followin' behind this boy I liked ( For love )

    Those Rifles we had target practice wit' were truly pea shooters

    I got out of ROTC after the first year. When the big wigs came

    to inspect our so-called platoon

    The inspector sargent captain or whatever you call 'em cussed me out

    from top to bottom because he caught me laughin'

    Anyway , like I said. I got out the next year, the boy I was likin' paid me

    no mind anyhow, and he sure won't worth me gettin' cussed at again



  • Finkelstein

    Storing Firearms Safely

    Unload and lock your firearms!

    Store the ammunition separately or lock it up. It can be stored in the same locked container as the firearms.

    Non-restricted firearms

    • Attach a secure locking device, such as a trigger lock or cable lock (or remove the bolt) so the firearms cannot be fired; or

      trigger lockcable lock

    • Lock the firearms in a cabinet, container or room that is difficult to break into.

      locked containerlocked cabinet

    Restricted and prohibited firearms

    • Attach a secure locking device so the firearms cannot be fired and lock them in a cabinet, container or room that is difficult to break into; or trigger locks
    • Lock the firearms in a vault, safe or room that was built or modified specifically to store firearms safely.
    • For automatic firearms, also remove the bolts or bolt carriers (if removable) and lock them in a separate room that is difficult to break into.

    Transporting Firearms Safely

    Non-restricted firearms

    Non-restricted firearms must be unloaded during transportation.

    Restricted and prohibited firearms

    • Unload the firearms; and
    • Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; and
    • Lock the firearms in a sturdy, non-transparent container; and
    • Remove the bolts or bolt carriers from any automatic firearms (if removable).
    • Obtain an Authorization to Transport (call 1-800-731-4000).
    Leaving Any Class of Firearm in an Unattended Vehicle

    locked container

    • Lock non-restricted firearms and locked containers carrying restricted or prohibited firearms in the trunk or in a similar lockable compartment.
    • If the vehicle does not have a trunk or lockable compartment, put firearms and firearm containers out of sight inside the vehicle and lock the vehicle.
    • If you are in a remote wilderness area and cannot lock your non-restricted firearms inside your vehicle, unload them and put them out of sight. Attach a secure locking device to the firearms unless they are needed for predator control.

    Displaying Firearms Safely

    Unload and lock your firearms!

    Here are the rules for displaying firearms in your home: Ammunition cannot be displayed with, or accessible to, the firearms.

    Non-restricted firearms

    firearms with secure locking devices on a rack

    • Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; or
    • Lock the firearms in a cabinet, container or room that is difficult to break into.
    Restricted and prohibited firearms

    • Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; and
    • Securely attach them to something that cannot be moved.
    • For automatic firearms, also remove the bolts or bolt carriers (if removable) and lock them in a separate room that is difficult to break into.

    Some rules may be different for firearms displayed away from home – for example, at a gun show. Contact the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) for more information.

  • Finkelstein

    What might help in the misuse of firearms, is creating a law that states that every gun sold has to be sold with a locking mechanism intact.

    If you cant take away the volume of guns within a population then you can make the effort to secure them from abuse.

  • Mary

    I know that the anti-gun/gun abolitionists will say "it would not have happened if there were no guns".

    Well, in actually it wouldn't have happened if there were no guns.

    I find that irrelevant - there are 350 million guns in the U.S. today, and no law is going to confiscate them all.

    You're right, that'll never happen and I don't think Obama has any intention of doing that. What does need to happen is stricter regulations which includes limiting the number of rounds someone can purchase, restricting the sale of semi-automatic weapons (why the hell would anyone even want one of those), responsible ownership (which means not storing your gun and the ammunition together), and access to mental healthcare for those that need it.

    I understand that Americans are very passionate about their Second Amendment Right, but it was written at a time when muskets were used, where you didn't have a local police department, the FBI or other government agencies that you have today. Plus doesn't it say "...A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.."

    As far as I know, the States does not have a militia that is necessary for you to have a 'free state' anymore. Plus, there's no way your Founding Fathers could have ever envisioned the weapons that are around today or the potential damage they could do to innocent people. They could only go by what they knew when your Constitution was written.

    These shootings have become all too common and it's clear that whatever's in place right now isn't working. Time for a change.

  • label licker
    label licker

    If your a farmer with livestock, cow/calf operation, you need guns. I can't count how many times we're going through the bush and had an injured animal or a rabbied coon, fox or just a sick animal. There's nothing wrong with skeet shooting either. It's not the guns but the people who have them. Just a thought, but I feel if a person has been diagnosed with a medical problem like emotional or mental, than why would you give him or her a license to operate a firearm? The worse offenders they should go after are the city foreigners who come from big cities out to the country and tell you that it's free land or they give you a paper with the homeowners signature on it and say they have permission to hunt on your property. That was a lie. Or you go to the back of the bush and two hunters are confronted and the one shoves my husband and when he shoved back the other hunter steps out from behind a tree and cocks his gun and aims it right at him. The one year we had hunters rip our mailbox off its post, they threw a dead fox on the front lawn and ripped all our survey sticks out of the ground. We had just paid $1200.00 to have the land surveyed. All because I called the cops on them. The neighbor had been punched to the ground and his hunting buddy shot a bullet right into the ground next to his head and there were a bunch of empty liqour bottles thrown out of the van when they took off. These city slickers are by far the worse and I haven't met one that can speak english well.

  • soontobe

    A really locked up gun is useless when you need it. It has to be accessible. I keep a mine in a pistol safe that is fast to open.

    New guns already come with locking mechanisms, or with gun locks. The law in several states requires it.

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