I was curious what is the youngest age any jw has been baptised. I thought it was hypocritical for jws to say wait for marriage because its such a big deal but "why wait to get baptised". I think my step sister was 11 years old. She did it to prove how smart (sic) she was.
what is the earliest age you heard someone get Baptised?
by enigma1863 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
an 8 year old got baptized at one i went to and my pioneer school had a girl who was only 10 or 11 so to be at pioneer school she had to have been baptized at least 2 years...making her 8 or 9.
Barrold Bonds
i was barely 10. I know that there's been younger than that. I think in some stuff from yearbooks I've seen 8 year olds.
Amelia Ashton
My daughter's half sister's daughter (same Dad different Mum, it's complicated) got baptised at 14. I was shocked. She is now suffering from anorexia
A 6 year old at a district convention
I knew a 9 year old girl who got baptized. At 17 she got DF'd for going to prom and sleeping with her boyfriend. She got reinstated a a few years later, married and is now a mother and elder's wife.
return of parakeet
Nine years old -- the late great Barbara Grizzutti Harrison.
9 is the youngest I saw get baptized.
In the summer of 1946, I was baptized at the international convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Although I was only six years of age, I was determined to fulfill my dedication to Jehovah.
WATCHTOWER 1992 3/1 p.27Preaching and Teaching Earth Wide
BAPTIZED AT SEVEN. Paola, who lives in western Mexico, is being raised by her grandparents.
Jehovahs Witnesses Year Book 2011 p.58 -
I never knew or saw anyone personally get dunked that young. I took the plunge at 12, first JC by 14, knew it was all made up by 16. I remember hearing the stories about six and eight as a kid, no doubt I was inspired by them.
What I just realized is how hypocritical it is for them to codemn infant baptism.