I had a very bad allergic reaction to a drug. It was called "drug induced lupus" and "serum sickness." The drug that I took is the absolute least likely to cause this type of reaction, but I got it. THe drugs more likely to cause it, I take and don't get a reaction. You don't see me "bad-mouthing" the drug I had a problem with and telling others to not use it. I guarantee almost everyone on this board has taken this little sucker of a pill, with no problems at all. The doctors shake their head when I tell them about it. "No one is allergic to that drug, it's the least likely of all to have a reaction . . . "
Yes, there are some "bad" drugs that Big Pharma has touted. But, there are millions of people getting flu shots (and polio, shingles, shots, etc) and only a few reactions. So, I don't put a flu shot in the same category as the problem drugs.
The outcome of my allergic reaction, I found out that I have a low immune system. Certain drugs almost everyone on this board has taken when they get a cold/flu, will cause me to have severe problems for months. My joints fill up with fluid, I am a super high stroke risk, I can't walk or ever turn a car key without screaming in pain (more then childbirth). A flu shot keeps me from getting sick in the first place, so I don't get pnemonia (which I always used to get), and then have to take super fancy drugs to cure the pnemonia, which causes an allergic reacion, which then I land in the emergency room with a 225/180 blood pressure, screaming in pain, getting Demoral shots in the ass, followed by 85 mg of prednisone a day or 10 mg of dexamethasone for 6+ months. You haven't had a full pharma experience until you take 85 mg of prednisone a day. It's a mind and body altering drug at that level. But, it keeps the allergic reaction down enough so I can walk, drive, and not have a stroke.
If you don't want a flu shot, then don't get it. If you are strong enough to get the flu and survive it, then don't take the flu shot. But, if you get real sick from the flu, expect that a little antibiotic pill just might send you down a road to hell. Simple.