I usually can't hear someone knocking on the door of our enclosed porch, so I haven't spoken to a jw in person in the ten years that we've been at this house. And being that the temperatures are currently very cold in Northeast Ohio, I suppose the jws are doing telephone witnessing. So, today I had the opportunity to talk to two real live jws.
The first one was a young man named Travis. He asked if I would listen to a scripture from Revelation. I politely told him no and would like my phone number taken off of their calling list. And I then added that they had my permission to add my phone number back to their calling list as soon as the Watch Tower Society changed the two witness rule in the cases of pedophilia.
Travis seemed shocked and appalled at this accusation, so I gave him a list of names and terms to Google including: Candace Conti, Gilbert Simental, Rick McClean, and watchtowerdocuments.com. He explained the df'ing process to me, and I countered with, "With or without court records, I know the Watch Tower requires a second witness to child molestation, because it happened to me."
Then a woman came on the line and asked, "Are you a jw"?, and I answered honestly that I am not but that my mom and stepfather are. She asked me to write down a name and phone number of an elder, and I declined the offer. I told her that my personal experience and almost 50 years of court records on Barbara Anderson's website was enough information for me. But I asked her to promise to put me back on their calling list as soon as the Watch Tower changed their two witness rule.
From the tone of their voices, I think Travis may be doing some Googling very soon. The woman sounded angry, so I ended the converation by saying, "I know what you are told to believe about the Watch Tower, but I learned how they handle child abuse by first hand experience, and it is no different than the Catholic Church. I certainly hope the same thing never happens to you."