Injustice? To me, joke-hova itself symbolizes injustice. Most people within the cancer have the phrase "God is love" (and referring to joke-hova, not Satan). My phrase is "God is injustice, tyranny, and oppression" (again, referring to joke-hova). Sticking your head further in joke-hova's work is only going to aggravate this injustice. You love joke-hova, you love being pushed and kicked around, mistreated, and enslaved. They just say that it is a misunderstanding so you cannot break free from idiocy.
Also, I don't think homosexuality can be cured by doing more for joke-hova. It can be suppressed, along with heterosexuality (and fertility), but not cured. Along with suppression of everything else that makes you different from an animal in human form, ready to be enslaved. I view homosexuality as a condition that is either genetic, a result of endocrine imbalance, or due to hang-ups (possibly a result of religion or some evil scumbag trying to repress your heterosexuality). If it is genetic, you should not even attempt to cure it--simple. If your endocrine system is out of balance and that is all it's doing, leave it alone. If you are experiencing other symptoms that are causing problems (obesity, temperature intolerance, excessive stress, etc.), you should treat the imbalance but let the homosexuality cards fall where they may. If a person is bisexual, again let it be. Only if it is strictly a result of heterosexual hang-ups should a "cure" be attempted, and then by removing the hang-ups. Using shame to suppress homosexuality, like using the distraction of serving joke-hova, will only cause a problem that does adversely affect society in exchange for a condition that didn't.
What does need to be cured is willful idiocy. When people are programmed like this to disregard common sense, they effectively become idiots and stupid. This stupidity, unlike the stupidity from genuine mental retardation, is done by Christi-SCAM-ity, and particularly by jokehovian witless cults, to prevent members from seeing the scam. You are required to maintain this artificial stupidity under threat that joke-hova will soon destroy you (and your children, if you have any). The sooner you cure this artificial stupidity, the better.