I love it! Out of nowhere, the Mrs. tells me that since she has a part tonight and there's nobody to watch the kids, she wants me to come with her to the meeting to watch them while she's on the platform. I'm actually still supposed to be there, but I went home (5 minutes down the road) for a 'bathroom break'. Wonder how long it'll take her to figure out I'm not actually there anymore? Her part is done, so the terms of the deal were concluded. Terrible. I should've told her I was leavin'. Don't worry, it's arctic out there, I'll be back to pick 'em up once this post is done.
Great meeting, too! Jeremiah stuff--amazing how Jeremiah somehow relates to how the faithful slave tells us what to wear, watch, and what music to play at our weddings! Ha!
The Bible Highlights gave me a moment of hope--all about Jesus telling the Pharisees that they overstep God's commands with the 'traditions of men'? Well, in a stunning--STUNNING--turn of events, this was somehow connected by the speaker to...wait for it...those who murmured and left the organization when the doctrines were changed all those times (the speaker couldn't even bother to give a specific example, but the way he said it made it seem like he knew there was so many!). Somehow, a 'spirit of tradition' came over those people. You know, those traditional bastards, they just got sick of us changing the rules so much, and they left. Shame on them for having a problem with us routinely trading one tradition of men for another!
Unfortunately, the poor jokers there didn't have working heat on their side of the KH, so the congregation meeting on the other side invited everyone over for the second half of the meeting. How brotherly of them! I wonder if this couldn't have been worked out maybe a little more in advance so we didn't have to freeze our a--es off for an entire hour? Oh, right. Let's not murmur about the imperfections of men. Loyal Christians will endure 20-degree weather inside their meetings without complaint.
Well, I guess I should probably head back before they notice I'm really gone. "Oh, I didn't want to disrupt after my bathroom break, so I just went to bring the car around, figured the meeting was over anyway...."
Now, let's just hope the extreme cold doesn't cause my battery to die on me before I can get back there! Ha ha! Wouldn't that be a classic way to top off this crappy night! I was really looking forward to a little 'Fellowship of the Ring', too...ah, well....
But it was actually not too bad this time. I didn't feel nearly as scared as I usually do. I almost feel like I could totally reassimilate and not notice anything had ever happened. Being a doormat does that to you. Well, seriously, I gotta go. Phone will be vibrating any second.