This year is not going so great. Lost my love, got forgotten on my birthday, car got hit the day before my birthday, car got hit yet again last weekend, and today i got a flat tire. What the f did i do to karma to deserve this crap? Sorry for lamenting but i got no where and no one else to listen. I feel very alone in this big world.
Please restart 2013
by akafreelife 25 Replies latest jw friends
Well I hope you saved a lot by switching to Geico.
dude that totally sucks.... sounds like you're in a slump... keep swingin man... ya just gotta keep swinging ..
just one little victory will turn it around.
Yeah that would help lol. Both times my car got hit it was parked once at the BMV the other time at the movie theater.
Thanks tater I am one of these times i will hit a home run. us strike out kings when we connect we go yard
probably better to lamament here... I suggest when your out and about fake it ... If some asks, " how's it going"... LIE!!
say " Things have never been better"
Yeah i should have got on here earlier tonight. I started thinking about my ex gf and contacted her and told her i still was in love with her. That did not go well. Just left me feeling even more shattered inside.
That does sound like a rocky old start to the year akafreelife, but you've survived it, and are here to tell the tale. Belated Happy Birthday to you for a start. Ok, love life, well it's taken me many many years to realise that love only works when you adore someone and they adore you just as much. Sounds obvious doesn't it? But it isn't that easy to accept. For a start, sometimes people say 'I love you' but they don't mean it, and we, hoping they do choose to believe them despite their actions. Sometimes, we choose to be with people that we want to love, but actually we don't, and often aren't so sure we even like them. Bottom line, second best is no good. We all deserve to love and be loved in the best way we can find. So, maybe your new freedom, which may seem painful right now, will turn out to be an opportunity for you to find your best? I do hope so.
Now then your car? Nah, can't offer any tips on that sorry. Lol. Spend a bit of time everyday doing something that's good for you, treat yourself as you would a best friend in trouble.
Loz x
Thanks loz that is the kind of stuff i need to hear. I am glad that there are some caring people out there.
Ya that never helps.. I went through the same thing two years ago.. I hooked up with GF from when I was in 7th grade.. we were twelve..
It had been 25 years.. she was in Kentucky I live in Idaho.. she came out we hooked up she went back then we kept at it till she wants to come home to Idaho... everything felt so right... I was in love.. I went and got her, she moved in real quick (related to your story)... then things went to hell.
I don't want to relive it but similar to ypur story.. I hung on when I nknew I should have walked .. So I appaud you for leaving when you did ..
I didn't and suffered way longer than I should have.. but it isn't easy to let go of something you want.. so I know exactly how you feel..
I really don't think there is a cure all for a broken heart.. But some day you will look back and it won't be so bad.. you just can't see it yet
I listen to the cure when I'm down,, it's depesing some say.. but it takes me to the bottom so I can rise again