Mouthy what's the secret to staying so young and strong? I see people check out at 66 years old and you are full of fun and energy? I know Jesus Christ has put you on earth to crack the whip on us, but really, what's your secret of still having so much zest of life?
Who is brave enough to admit
by mouthy 61 Replies latest jw friends
ive been to your site and read about your experience. i would love to meet you! you are a great human being! but alas you are a great distance from me :(
gone for good>I will be waiting, I hope it is a windy day
Arbol..# 2 .COD LIVER OIL OF MALT!!!! 1 JESUS CHRIST!!!!Grumblecakes Shucks!!!! Maybe in Heaven
Bump for Mary
Grace, you were the first person I met from the board in person. I just wish that you still lived close by!
Nope, but I would love to meet you, never had a grandma - would you adopt me?
I wish I could say so, Amazing Grace! I would absolutely LOVE to make your personal acquaintance.
Much love,
Baba. -
Mary!!!! I wish I lived near you also Mary
WhyamI here...sorry darling I dont do any more adoptions.
Got enough trouble with the ones BORn to me But I love ya
Baba Thanks
Lady Lee!!!!I always remember this little girl at all the assemblies doing the sign language.YOU!!!!
such a pretty little lass. Well we are related not in a family way,I think my daughters exHubby was
a relation of yours.Your too smart to be in MY family LOL