If there are no more miraculous events, then why do JW's pray for one?

by wha happened? 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Any event supposedly performed by an invisible sky daddy would surely be viewed as a miracle by a JW. So if any unexplained event could be construed as such but all miracles have ceased then that pair of shoes the piosneer sister bought with the exact amount of money she had in her purse was not divine intervention at all but pure coincidence.

    Jdubs don't believe in coincidences though, do they?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Jdubs don't believe in coincidences though, do they?

    Or helping themselves, or getting an education, or a decent paying job that may take place when meetings are occuring....

    It's a big frickin cop out

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Cop-out it is indeed.

    Such head shaking logic. o.O

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I suggest for those still in or with family still believing next time they claim divine intervention over a trivial matter shout "it's a miracle" because that is in effect what they are saying.

    Then refer them to the scriptures which state all gifts and miracles stopped back when the last apostle died, or at least the scripture the witneses use to prove they have all stopped.

  • flipper

    WHA HAPPENED ? - I believe that many JW's just are told so much BS making them so superstitious that they trivialize miracles these days. I mean, if they place 10 magazines in service, it's a miracle. Start a Bible Study, it's a miracle, holy spirit provided it. Take a dump in the toilet while doing their personal study- it's a miracle.

    I mean, they've been letdown for so many years ( 133 yrs.) of failed expectations that many of them are just hoping against hope and clinging to any little thread of possible hopes they can muster. It's almost inconceivable to many of them that the WT Society is pulling their leg and scamming them. They'd all go have nervous breakdowns if they ever admitted it to themselves. So they continue to live in denial. Easier to stick their heads in the sand. At least for them it's easier - even though it's not in their best interest. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • snare&racket

    Whenever someone claims they altered reality and the course of events by asking via their mind for it to happen, even via a deity, this is nothing less than a miracle. An interaction with a deity. Communication with a deity. Be it a cheap car that they were looking for or some new shoes that happened to be on offer or some free cabbage from a neighbour. The reason they don't come to the conclusion of these being 'parting the red sea' like events, is because they know they arent that special really.

    Of all the people healed b prayer, not one amputee has come forward clapping once more in thanks for a miracle...

  • cptkirk

    it is a very good point. by definition anything god does with regard to direct intervention into the life of man/woman is a miracle. if there are no more miracles, then the point about why bother with prayer makes perfect sense. did god deliberately fool us into thinking that he would answer our prayers, when the secret all along was just to have confidence and move boldly (for some anyway)....some people move boldly right into the pit, that is another story though. you would think that the jw leadership would put a little more thought into this stuff before they print it into the magazines.

  • pontoon

    We had a brother going for heart surgery for about the 6th time. He never answered, never went in service, wasn't in the school, but his wife was fairly active and he had a very pretty daughter, a big screen TV, a lot of food and drink every weekend, so he was popular with all the Wat Farm boys. So, he's in the hospital and one of the bethelites prays "and Jeh, please guide the hands of the surgeon who is........" I about fell over, the congregation sucked it right up and loved it.

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