The current purpose of the JW Corporation

by cptkirk 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    The current purpose as well the past purpose of the WTS. to exploit Christianity as a religious belief to distribute and proliferate the WTS's

    own published works by means of creating commercially appealing doctrines .

    etc. ... " Sigh of the End Times " " Christ return " " Armageddon soon and imminent "

    The problem the WTS. is facing now is that all their said proclamations never appeared as they said they would

    but they're still proclaimed that god specifically had chosen them as his earthly mouth piece for all mankind.

    The main problem with the WTS/JWS is that its always been a religious publishing house and the Kingdom Halls

    were really its sales training centers and people who are have been coerced and lured into this organization are

    eventually being exploited as the organization's own sales representatives.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Their purpose is to make money and amass power and wealth any way they can so as to keep the empire of the WTBTS in existence.

  • WTWizard

    They are one of joke-hova's means of preventing people from living their lives. Rather, they are prepping people for mass enslavement by joke-hova. Some are born in, while others are scammed in. Either way, the organization exists because joke-hova wants people enslaved. I believe all other Christian, Jewish, and Muslim programs are similarly purposed, with just enough differences to confuse people into being scammed.

    I will add to that Christi-SCAM-ity is supposed to be about compassion and that is not found in the washtowel religion, that they are half Pharisaic Jewish. And they are dishonest about it. You see, they bash Pharisaic Judaism for its hypocrisy and lack of compassion, yet they practice what they bash themselves. No wonder people within are confused, and outsiders are confused into joining--helping joke-hova to enslave us all.

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