There is an article here which posits that the collapse of the Soviet Union can be directly traced back to the Chernobyl explosion. It's a pretty compelling piece:
Several posters on this board have compared the WTS and its adherents to the USSR. Autocratic rule, demonizing of opponents, strict control of information, harsh punishment for unorthodoxy...there are many many parallels.
If you were around in the mid-80's or earlier, "the collapse of the Soviet Union" seemed as utterly impossible as "the collapse of the Watchtower Society" seems today. Yet the USSR did indeed collapse, rather quickly.
From the article:
Chernobyl, then, represented a fundamental shift in the relationship between the Soviet citizenry and the state. Before the explosion, most Soviets were not discontented dissidents; they believed in the Soviet system, forgave its flaws, and hoped for a better future within its confines. But after Chernobyl, the system seemed potentially unredeemable—and actively dangerous. In the early days of glasnost, stories of Stalin’s mass murders decades earlier slowly bubbled to the fore, but those generally receded, so far removed were they from every life. After Chernobyl, though, every citizen’s safety was at stake.
Substitute "Jehovah's Witnesses" for "citizens" and "governing body" for "Soviet system" (and related terms)...."Rutherford" for "Stalin", "drunken excesses" for "murders", etc. - interesting, no?
Could a "Chernobyl-like" event hit the WTS? What would it look like?