Hello Guy,
Dutchy is correct, in a sence, yes the old publications did not say "Armegeddon is going to be in 1975", but they did push this as the date. They made statements to the effect of looking forward to 1975, they asked people to sell their belongings and finish off this old system preaching. They tried to corelate the 6,000 year end with armegeggon. Often they would include the two ideals of 6,000 years and armegodden into the same paragraph. There is a speach given by a district overseer, given in 1968 that stressed that 1975 was going to be a significant date.
I never heard the Watchtower magazine or any WT publication come out to try and quell the ferver for 1975. All the publications did was to add fuel to the fire, so to speak, about 1975.
You can listen to the recording of the entire talk by Charles Sunutko, District overseer at a conventon in 1968 here: http://www.watchtowernews.org/wav/sunutko75.html
just click on the link and it will start to play in Real player it is not edited it is the entire speach. He again does say the 6,000 year thing but he also stresses the idea that it may end with Armegeddon.
Now as far as complaining, Hmmmm yes there is some on this board, but I think you will find it more telling and relating what has happened to each of us. Looking for support and understanding and reassurance that we were correct that it was not the truth. Also there is much news here, new information as to what is really going on in the WTS, without the Governing Bodies slant to it.
I was there in 1975, I saw it, I saw what people did and were doing, what the WTS said and how they handled it. It was not a pretty picture.